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Everything posted by Aspencreek

  1. The look lovely to me. Like your bright colors.
  2. The effects of the wax are really cool. I love how that turned out. It is so fun expermenting.
  3. As everyone else has said does depend on the scent. If I had a 6 oz. Plumeria candle going then I would only say maybe a room to two rooms with of scent. If I had a scent like Lilac going then it will fill the whole floor of a house with a scent. I make mine all with paraffin too.
  4. Wow, that is so awesome. You have a great website also, I love how simple and professional it is.
  5. They look great, they would look even better in my house!!!! JK
  6. I also looked into glass baby bottles about a year ago and gave up. Now I have a lady that saves her glass baby food jars for me and I use those. They turn out really cute especially with the ribbon tied around the top.
  7. For both your body and room spray. All input is great appreciated.
  8. I am in the process of setting my website with Prairieannie and am almost done and can't wait to see the final product. She has been so much help and I would say to give it a try. It is a lot of work and time but so worth it when you are done.
  9. I would probably not buy these for the fact that the coffee beans are not wax. You have to think you are putting these above a candle and that makes them HOT!!! I would be afraid of them catching on fire. Maybe you can search a little more for someone that makes melts with wax coffee beans.
  10. I love the finish and I love your colors and I love your pictures (wow talk about a run on sentence)
  11. Wow, those are great. I love the one with the horse.
  12. Ohhhhh!!! China Rain sounds like a wonderful scent.
  13. I love it, the added shells to the wax and big shell looks great.
  14. I really like the containers. Maybe you can do one light scent sense both of those are pretty strong.
  15. I really like those jars and the colors that you used.
  16. Well for one you should use spell check for your name.....It is cute but it is really long, you should try going for something shorter.....:rolleyes2
  17. From personal experience fall/winter shows are the way to go.
  18. I like them I think they look really good.
  19. Very cute, I am sure that they smell good too.
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