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Posts posted by ShelleyF

  1. 37 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

    Wow that sounds awesome ! Who has a good french vanilla ? WSP Espresso really is good , you should give it a try :) I have BC Creme Brûlée in my cart and was also thinking 

    of adding blueberry muffin ? Their Butter Rum allspice is good as is their Spiced Cranberry 


    It is Just Scent. Not very strong but good for mixing. It smells really good. I find all vanilla bland but  lot of people love them.

    Yes get the Blueberry Muffins lol I have it and it is strong and amazing. Never had the Butter Rum Allspice but sounds good. I love spices.I have the Spiced Cranberry too and it is great but the Blueberry is out of this world. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, MilosCandles said:

    Amazon Homemade just charges 15% of the sale, they waive the Amazon Pro Monthly Fee.

    I wouldn't make any money if I had to pay 15%. I make melts I don't make candles. eBay is cheaper than that. Is it worth it? What is the advantage of selling on homemade Amazon instead of regular Amazon? Also they won't let me choose how much I charge for shipping either. They set the price and I wanted to offer free shipping.

  3. On 10/15/2018 at 10:59 PM, ScentedPleasurez said:

    Peak had a 2 day sale buy 5 get 1 equal value free. It ended today. L o l I just seen the email. Did anyone get in on this sale? If so which ones did you choose? 

    I love Peak and have a lot of their oils from destashes. They are out of a ton of stuff on their site all the time though. Their Spruce Christmas Tree is awesome. I don't usually like that kind lol 

  4. 7 hours ago, Belinda said:

    I had to order a sample of this when I read your post and it came in today. It's wonderful OOB!

    @Moonstar, I've used a few of Wellington's oils and like most they are a hit and a miss. I think I had more misses with them than hits but that doesn't mean they don't have some good oils. I just never see much mentioned about them on here.

    I'm not impressed with Wellington oils. I buy a lot of destashes and never got even one from there. I bought some recently because I was looking for one called Bright Crystal type  and search showed only they had it. A lady said it is her favorite perfume. Very weak even at the strongest concentration. She said it was a milder scent when I told her I hardly smell it.  She can't smell it hardly either. Can barely smell it and I made with 4627 so I know it's a dud because that wax usually makes everything great lol it has been 3 weeks and still not good. A little better but OOB it is weak. Very disappointed. To make it worth ordering  I bought a few more lol well it still wasn't worth ordering. 

    I bought Spruce Christmas Tree. Not awful but not amazing. I have Peaks and it is awesome. This one is sad in comparison. Pumpkin Crunch Cake smells good but not intense like reviews said. I am going to have to blend these oils and I refuse to sell like this. These are at maximum concentration. I can't imagine any weaker. I'm very upset about this. I have a few more I had bought like Axe type Dark Temptations. Smells good but weak. Never again. I am used to quality. This is not.


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    Thank you 😊 so what's a good ratio to blend with coffee FO ?

    i think your the one that suggested mixing the two ? If you what's the result of mixing those 2 FO ?

    i use WSP espresso. It's so good!

    I don't have WSP Expresso but wish I did since you say  it's great. I mix 60 coffee with 35 creme brulee. They are both strong. Then add 5 percent french vanilla for the "cream" effect lol 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    To avoid the mess I cut the bag up the sides and put it in my warmer roll the plastic up as far as I can and let it melt, then just pull the bag out. Very little mess or waste. My order came yesterday and I thought of another idea. Will know results tomorrow

    That is a great idea. I just don't have a melter. I use prestos. I wish I had a melter.

  7. 6 hours ago, aptommo said:

    I have a lot of fragrances here that I bought to test for my mom that I honestly don't know how I'll stomach making them. I'm not a fan of really strong flowery type scents. She had 2 she really loves from buying tarts from others: God's Love and Sun and Sand and they both make me gag just smelling the bottles of FO. I'll have to get through it though for her! For customers I'm not sure I want to offer a fragrance like that, I'm afraid with my luck it would be my best seller and I'd never get it out from the back of my nostrils and find peace! 😂

    I hate those kind of scents. I seem to tend to put off making things I hate lol like Baby Powder yuck but people lol it. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Jcandleattic said:

    As @Crafty1_AJ suggested, FO will work, however, it has to be skin safe. 


    The best thing I have used, hands down to remove dye stains is mineral oil. It will clean dye off anything in .00000001 seconds flat!! 


    I wear old ratty t-shirts, or clothes that I don't care if they get stained or not, so have no advice for that, because mineral oil will most likely clean the dye, but leave an oil stain on clothing. 

    Thank you so much. I'm getting that. 

  9. I make my kids and others test some of them. I hate Patchouli and can't test it. It makes me sick. I had a big bottles of Thoroughbred and threw it away. It was awful. Smelled like we horses that stunk like crazy. I could not even sell it. I refuse to sell something that gross. Another one I hate is anything named Dragon yuck. My daughter's love it. I need a respirator so I can make Dragon Blood as they want it and a couple others do too. I don't want to smell it lol

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    I had over 2000$ in before I even made a sale upon my return to candle making.  lol. I'm not selling online. If I get an oil that I do not like I just resell it at a lower price to get a portion of my money back. Its just part of the game. I'd be rich if i had my money back from duds. 

    How do you decide if it is an oil you don't like? For instance, I hate Patchouli but other people love it. Would you get rid of it because you don't like it. Or keep it because others do? I hate making things  I hate. Lol 

  11. 14 minutes ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    Juvenile Diabetes is Type 1 diabetes. Her problem is that her pancreas is producing little to no insulin at all. 

    Dr Berg is who I follow on YouTube and by following him I reversed it. He has a slew of videos. Here is 1. I swear it's a natural cure for everything. 


    Thank you. I will check it out and tell my Mama. We do natural remedies but didn't know there was one for diabetes. This is great. 

    • Like 1
  12. 59 minutes ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    I used to eat sweets sometimes. However I reversed my diabetes so I don't touch them now.my diabetes didn't come from the sweets it came from carbs. 

    I do like pecan pralines candle scent but lemon pound cake o m g when I start with it my stomach churns. I believe I can smell every item in it. L o l it has been 1 of my top since the beginning and all I think of is o m g time to replenish this mess. I made a ton up the last time I made it. 2 cases of candles 2 trays of melts. Several 1 oz warming oils and clams. 😅😂

    I wouldn't like it either if I made all of that. That is great you reversed your diabetes. My mom has had it since she was 17 and she is 69. She has juvenile diabetes and she eats very healthy. She is 5 ft 6 and weighs 115. She needs to gain but she eats 3 huge meals a day. Lol

  13. 6 hours ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    Last night I blended some with the pomegranate ginger from re value line. It turned out nice. 

    I usually like the fruits and ocean clean scents. I'm not much of a bakery fan they are usually so sweet my stomach churns. People love the lemon pound cake,when I make it I have extra fans on to clear it out fast lol

    I love the lemon pound cake.lol do you eat sweets? I do. Maybe that's why I love smelling them lol

    • Haha 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    Is that Bitter Creek ? May I ask what wax your using ? I make melts + have been using a blend of 4626 -4630 & 464. Thanks !

    Yes it is Bitter Creek:) I have made melts with 464 with a tablespoon of coconut oil. I also tried it with just 464. I made it with 4627 by itself. This stuff is heavenly. I buy destashes a lot and had bought a lot of soy, 464,415,444, CB-135 and then beeswax.paraffin  4627, 4630. So I've been experimenting lol I love 4627 the best. It is the Cadillac of waxes, to me. The cold and hot throw is out of this world.Very messy but so worth it. I hate soy but some people love it. I love how easy it is to melt but hate long cures. Forcing myself to make it and cure it. After I run out I'm going to just 4627. I make melts but no candles. 

    • Haha 1
  15. On 10/18/2018 at 9:35 AM, Ray said:

    Good idea candybee. We have found as far as seasonal scents are concerned sometimes less is better. It's kind of funny, but sometimes the more choices a customer has, the less of a chance you have of them making  a purchase. It's called "choice overload" (google it). I can't tell you how many people have come up to our table at fairs and sniffed all the candles...loving all of them. Then say "oh my God, I can't decide...I'll be back". We cut back on how many different scents we bring to fairs and sales have increased. Some people suffer from paralysis when forced to make a buying decision and don't end up buying at all.

    I have heard of that. That's why for local people I'm not doing many choices at once. Doing eBay too where lots of people will buy. Wont put all choices in same listing. Amazon is way too expensive I tried it. I don't like Pines, nature, flowers that much, and know some people love them lol so want to have everything. I make then sell so it will take awhile to have too many choices. Last week I made 850 wax melts. Then I bagged them this week. 34 different scents. I have people  asking for almost 20 different scents lately. Now in person I would only do about 50. Candles by Victoria has over 1000 scents and she rakes in the money. I wish I had her website. It is gorgeous. Never tried her stuff.


    • Like 1
  16. 11 hours ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    Not a bbw type that I generally would like,but got it from candlewic on a whim😅😅

    I from candlewic site 

    A Bath & Body Works Type best-selling tea fragrance! This oriental scent is a blend of citrus notes, exotic spices and beautiful jasmine. Soft tea notes round out this exciting fragrance. 


    A classic scent imo. I can pick up on the tea notes along with a punch of citrus and spice. 

    I thought it would be a soft fragrance oob,but it waxed well. It's not overpowering like some scents are,this is nice clean refreshing scent. I think I'd also like to blend in with this one,maybe a raspberry.


    I mixed up some samples of lotion and gave to a few regulars and they loved the fragrance.


    Will be keeping this one 

    I love this one and don't usually care for this kind either lol I love fruits, cinnamons, bakery, mints. I hate nature ones and hate Patchouli the most. I call mine Afternoon Tea.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, Quentin said:

    Right now I'd take any kind of website I could get. I've got to check with GoDaddy. I may have picked a package that was too complicated for me. I've got to do something. Right now, I'm bleeding money.:( In the meantime, I stumbling over starting too many projects at one time and not completely finishing any. If that sounds like A.D.H.D., yes it is. :wacko:

    I don't know how to make one either. I will try to figure it out for you. I have a billion projects going at one time. I didn't know that was A.D.H.D. I've always been like that lol

    • Haha 1
  18. So blue Dawn will get liquid dye off of white vinyl floors? I have dye stains that I can't get rid of. I tried bleach, comet, shout, aqua net hair spray, magic eraser ( I hate those but people swear by it), orange cleaner, white vinegar and I had a maroon kitchen floor for 5 hours. I kept trying and got a lot off, most of it but then a few weeks ago I got green dye on it. I don't even work in my kitchen lol somehow it was on my shoes and I dragged it in. It was a nightmare. Still trying to get it off. 

  19. On 10/20/2018 at 10:51 AM, Quentin said:

    I'm guessing that to do a Facebook giveaway, that I would first need to set up a page separate from my personal FB page that would be specifically for the candle business. Would that be correct?

    Yes that is correct. I tried it though and it was awful. One lady won my prize and was too lazy to meet me to pick it up. I had sold her a purse before so she met me before. 

    Another won and said she loves my melts. Can I get more she said? I told her she could buy some. She said she wants it free that she is broke. I gave up.

    • Haha 1
  20. 7 hours ago, Quentin said:

    I don't have either one yet. So you're ahead of me. Working on a website, but even as easy as they make it today with templates, I'm really struggling with putting together a website. I just can't get it. GoDaddy isn't as easy as that racing girl on the commercials makes it seem.

    That's a mental hangup for me too.

    See. You're ahead of the big guys already!

    Are you trying to copy me? ;)

    Yep. You're exactly right. That's how they do it. They don't make any money selling groceries. They make their real profit from squeezing their vendors. Plus all the stuff they hang on those strips up and down the aisles.

    :blush: Thank you! I did some "back in the day", mostly press releases and advertising/promotional stuff. I've forgotten a good deal when it comes to proper punctuation and I can't put sentences together very well anymore.:( That really frustrates and depresses me.

    ...and NEVER go without a list.*shudder*

    I think you're figuring it out.


    My son in law built me a website. I have no idea how to do that lol he made one from scratch with coding and all that stuff. I have my own domain. It's not fancy and it isn't up to date either lol I have to add to it and make new pictures. It's a lot of work lol

    So you have a fragrance obsession just like everyone else on this forum lol it is unbelievable how hard it is to say I think I have enough. No you never will. I had a lady recently ask if O had 2 kinds she wanted and nope I sure didn't. But do now lol it's crazy. 

    • Like 1
  21. On 10/16/2018 at 2:09 PM, Ray said:

    Yep, copycats everywhere. We had someone actually copy our "About us" on our website word for word, the only exception is they changed the hometown name. It was truly pathetic. We started doing festival shows, now they are doing festival shows. Copied all our price points, copied the look of our product. We don't consider them competition as they are a couple states away. Be original people!

    I'm sorry they did that. It is wrong. I don't want to copy anyone. I think it's something to be proud of being unique. They should be ashamed. I have an idea and I'm watching  to see if I will  be copied. They have a lot of catching up to do if so. I have around 2,000 different fragrance oils now and will  keep buying. I find amazing deals. Having choices should help snuff out the wannabes. Unless they have a lot of cash or know how to get amazing deals like I do. You could get a trademark but it's very expensive but might be worth it. 

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