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Bella Luna

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Everything posted by Bella Luna

  1. I think it's not only the thickness of glass, but also the quality. Kinda like Pyrex is a lot more heavy duty than some other types of glass. Also, whether it's pressed or blown would make a difference in the strength/durability/heat tolerance.
  2. I think I've heard of something similar before, on this message board. If I remember correctly, the other person said that they meet with you and want you to give them a ton of money up front for the advertising or whatever. EDIT: here's the link to another post: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54762&highlight=infomercial
  3. Are you using inkjet or laser labels? Does the 'ink' scratch off easily?
  4. That red ink stuff is probably toner... if you have a color laser it probably has 4 different cartridges... a magenta, cyan, yellow, and black. Just pull all the orange tape off and stick them back in... should be good to go!
  5. If you're referring to my post, it's not that I like to save the photos of what I purchase... it's just that the no right click is such a pet peeve of mine that if I'm on someone site and they have that 'feature' I won't buy anything from them. It could just be a weird quirk of mine. I have a lot of those
  6. Huckleberries can be very similar to blueberries in taste, but the flavor is much more intense, and can vary from being more tart to more sweet. They definitely look a lot like little blueberries, but in our area (depending on if we're having a good season) the taste is quite unique.
  7. In general, the cost of shipping packages internationally with FedEx is much higher than with USPS. The only thing I could suggest would be to call a handful of suppliers to see if they would consider shipping that way, and what the charges would be.
  8. I could be wrong, but I think that only works if people hotlink to your pics. If they save them to their own computer and then upload them somewhere else, they can still be 'stolen'.
  9. I'd have to want something really, really bad to buy from a site that disables right clicking. Yes, it annoys me so much that I usually choose to take my business elsewhere. There are much more professional and convenient (for the consumer) solutions if you want to make sure no one else uses your pics as their own. Digital watermarking will not deter someone from saving the photo, but it would let people know exactly where it came from if the thief was stupid enough to use it on their site.
  10. cider squeeze pressed cider freshly pressed cider pressed apples
  11. I was interested in seeing pictures of how you label and tag your candle jars and other containers I'm trying to decide on the types of containers I'd like to offer, but I'm having a hard time finding a nice way to 'label' a rounded jar, except maybe on the lid, like a honeypot, etc. I'd also like to use a similar size label for several different jars, so I can save on label costs. Besides, it's fun to look at the pretty pictures and show your stuff off Thanks in advance!
  12. If you have a very fine cosmetic grade glitter, you may be able to 'paint' it onto the sides of the container before you pour. I've never tried it myself, but perhaps if you poured very slowly it would stay?
  13. If you have any print shops in your town they can do them for you. They may be more expensive than ordering online but you'd have the benefit of seeing the stock and ink types in person
  14. I use Peak's LX votive wicks and have never had a problem with the wick coming out... I just push the tabbed wick into the hole and it stays
  15. Definitely a picture of the product. I want to see what I'm buying.... and won't buy if I can't get a good look at the product, so it's helpful if you can click the picture to see an enlarged image
  16. Is it messy after it's been poured into the container? Er, potentially messy I should say... I want to try it but we just don't have the $ to test right now =\
  17. Well, the throw is 'okay'. After the candle achieved a full melt pool it scented my medium sized bathroom and into the hallway pretty well. Not optimal, but acceptable for a votive made with essential oil.
  18. I really like it! It looks like tortoiseshell!
  19. Thanks so much everyone! I will definitely post about the hot throw once I burn one It's just 4794 with some vybar added, and I used slightly over an ounce pp. when I took the dropper lid off the EO bottle it splashed all over the counter =\ So, I supplemented with another bottle of EO I already had on hand. I've also got major candle nose from all the EO, so I've been relying on other people's noses... so far so good! Everyone says they smell very strong.
  20. My first time working with EO's in candles... not sure how the hot throw will be yet but the cold throw is great! http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1369/538202409_843f02f65c_b.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1160/538202403_b3b1ee66a4_b.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1429/538202405_8f65e66e7f_b.jpg
  21. All the ones I've seen are made of plastic, I think?
  22. I've never made hurricanes but isn't there an insert for your mold that allows you to just pour the shell?
  23. I didn't get any popups on your site... I'm even running windows 2k and IE. You definitely need to find a way for your pictures to load faster. And once you do that more pictures I would never buy from a site that didn't have lots of pictures to look at the products before hand.
  24. This is a silly question, but how do you get the beveled edges? I love that look!
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