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Posts posted by sherry

  1. Thanks! for the replies you guys Toni S you right it is a sickness! and

    And an expensive one to!

    Kitn! I got those jars from a store I never been there before my friend took me it was an one time deal The large 10oz were $1.00 Dollar ea and the small 40z $0.59 cents ea and I got all 200 of them :yay:

  2. Has anyone try the Natures Garden's

    Natural Palm Container Wax-this is what is on there site Palm waxes naturally create beautiful crystal structures that form as the candle cools. In order to fully accomplish this crystaline effect, it is pertinent that you pour this melted wax at 200 degrees, and cool your candles slowly. I have to order few Fos from them and was wondering about the palm wax they sale is it the same as theGlass Glow IGI R2322A or not it will save me some shipping money if I order everything from them:)

  3. Sherry -please forgive me if this seems rude but please check your website, it has many many misspelled words. I am not perfect but I think you should fix these to appear more professional and therefor get more $ale$.

    Well; felixncharlie I don't thing you are Rude I thing you should be a little more discreet and let people know by PM and in private. The thing is I am very Proud of what I accomplice, coming from another country, with out Speaking, reading, or righting, And doing a website, that I never dream of, So if anybody wants to help I am here If you want to laugh no problem.... :)

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  4. I think those are way too big for a baby food jar. As a point of comparison, using C3 in a 4 oz. squat hex, a CDN 8 is working well for us. I think those are a similar size to baby food jars or a tad larger... HTH :)

    Stella I guess I am getting old forget to mention I try the CDN 8 HTP 73with Victorian Xmas and it burn a little hot after 3hrs now I am testing it with HTP 62 I am also testing now White tea and Ginger, Cream Burlle, and Eucalyptus leaf, from Peaks, same jar same everything with an HTP 73 and keep my fingers cross:)

  5. My niece had a baby abut a year ago and she saving the jars for me the small ones she just gave me about 100 of them and more coming I am using a blend of CBA and C3 with one tbs co oil 7% scent and I have wicks LX 18 -20 -22 HTP wick 73- 83- 93 and CDN -10-12- So my question is witch wick should the best for those Jars I hope sobody can help me

    Thank you :)

  6. Top! my wick did drown and fell over, and it did burn with no smoke all the way and the jar was clean but I was not happy with the flame it was kind high for my peace of mine, so i am going to try an Htp 83 to see how it burns and show some pictures.

    (If you are using wick assemblies with the metal base, I think it should be possible to to burn one from the top to the bottom.) I dint use the wick base

    I just insert the wick in

    You know sometimes it's very hard for me to explain some things, and some people take it the wrong way But I am really trying to learn the right way

    to do what I start

    thanks for helping :)

  7. Nope.

    I make a tester for each wick I am going to test. I weigh the candle first, trim the wick to ¼", light & burn for 1 hour per inch of candle diameter; extinguish, note my observations, allow the candle to completely cool and repeat over & over until the wick either drowns or self-extinguishes at the bottom of the container. I take lots of notes and compute the RoC throughout the testing period.

    Burning some wax with one wick, then pouring it in a different jar with another wick doesn't tell you what the wick would have done had you burned the entire candle with it from the start. Pulling wicks is a shortcut that does not give accurate results. It is not representative of how the candle will be burned. While you can do this with pillars (so long as the top is leveled each time), it is not a good practice for testing container candles.

    Stella; I did test the candle exactly that way light & burn for 1 hour per inch of candle diameter; I burn it for 2:00 plus hours every time until for almost 3/4 inch to the bottom of the jar then the wick drown, that's when i glue the Htp 93 in a same type of jar dump the liquid same wax. But; now I understand what you are saying i should have make another jar with a wick glue to the jar and reap it the same process as the first one all the way to the bottom see Stella it takes time for me to get it, But my God... I finally got it I just hope that is what you meant :yay::laugh2::laugh2: :laugh2:

  8. Nadiap the HP 93 was burning a high at the beginning but after the second burn it settle down. Bear! I don't sell yet to I like to test my candles all the way before i start selling there is another picture this is 3.5 hours burn the flame is a little high but the jar is not to hot to the touch I am going to let it burn all the way


  9. I have been testing candles since June and finally I thing I got it this is my

    5 oz honey pot at least that's what the supplier calls it 7% Fo Pumpkin Snuffle wax a mix of CBA and C3 1 tbs co oil wick HP 93 here is some pictures this is after 2 plus hours burning every time what do you thing Stella and Top and the rest of the experience gang I value your expert opinion Please




  10. Hello! I need some help again pretty please when you use EcoSoy PB do

    your votive s you do ad any additives like UV / coconut oil, beeswax, or nothing and do you do a second pour please my good people help the people that would like to learn

    and getting confused :shocked2: with every little thing Thank you


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