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Posts posted by sherry

  1. Stella! My insurance is separate from my house and I specifically toll them that I am working in my house making soap and BB and now candles I just hope that is what you mean if something else let me know so I can call him and ask I don't want to do anything wrong and get in trouble:)

  2. Cybersix I have the same problem I have to do it in my DD house and it's a small house mine is little bigger but very mesh things all over the place that's why I am thinking of given out Invitations so I can a minimize the amount of people that are coming at my DD :)

  3. Advice On An Open House Party! I have decided after a year of testing and almost $3.000 thousand spending on supplies it is about time to have a Candleand CP soap open house party. And this is were I need your help. How many scents should I have. And what do I need to know about it do I need food and what Kind. do I need to invite people and all this little things that come along I never had an house party before so any help is appreciated

    And before you start asking about Liability Insurance I have one since 2007 when I start selling my soaps :cheesy2:

    Anyway please any help will be appreciated

    Thank you:)

  4. Yeah, but Sherry is pouring NatureWax C3... in the winter. :)

    Stella! Now I know how good it feels to make something good to look @

    and to all of you Lady's and Gentlemen thank you for the help you are given me. And Stella you are the best when it comes to Naturewax:thumbsup:


    Now I can wait for Spring :cheesy2:

  5. Stella and Soy! I meant to say air bubbles tiny freaking air bubbles:angry2:

    Quote:Where are the bubbles? Around the wick?

    Soy! the bubbles are around the the glass at first I though it was frosting so I try the heat gun and there they were Tiny little bubbles? coming all the way up and if I don't heat Gun all of them they come back


    If we're talking about a caved in lookin' place that has a cavern under it, the candle is cooling unevenly and the top is cooling too quickly.

    What temps are you melting to, adding FO/dye, and pouring?

    What's the temperature in the room where you are pouring?

    Are you cooling the candles on a rack?

    How are the candles placed when you cool them (how much space between them, etc.)?

    What size container are you pouring?

    Stella! I am talking about Tiny little bubbles

    I am melting the wax at 175/180F ad 6.2% FO/dye warm and pouring at 165F

    My house is at 72/75 all the time I don't touch the thermostat at all?

    I cool the candles in a box with a rack 1.5 inch apart?

    and I am using a 16 oz mason jar regular?

    And I will take some pictures when my camera is charge?

    I thing I cover everything?

    Please any more help will be appreciated? :sad2:


  6. No Soy! I didn't I am having problems with the soy and small tiny air pockets

    I am using what I thing is C3 lot #L9B05 I did everything in the book 1 TBSP USA 1/8 tsp UV warm scent and color warm jars cover with box :angry2: and freaking air pockets still there. The problem is I like the wax and I don't want to give it up any help please?

  7. Thanks! Irbd and Stella I can not believe I miss that link with the photos

    from Stella, I was searching for a couple days now, to find something with pictures now I can do a better job I am one of those people that likes to see pictures then read the instructions And Stella your pillars are one of the kind:thumbsup: :)

  8. Oh! my I never would believe all the air pockets that GG has I made a container with out pocking holes and start burning it and you can see all the holes from the top. So i went search looking and found this

    From you Stella

    I don't do any tapping for air bubbles, nor do I try and spot them through the hardened wax because as the candle cools & crystallizes, it will trap air bubbles in the structure of the crystals, so they do not always rise to the surface like they would in a smooth textured wax. Most are located very near the wick (all around) or a short distance in from the outer edge of the candle (all around). If you visualize the top of the candle like the solar system with the wick being the sun, the cavities form between the sun & venus and between saturn & neptune. For those of us who don't remember which planet is where, click here. I already cheated and looked! :embarasse :D.

    It's important to understand that the cavities form because of cavitation - the large crystals have space between them that trap fine air bubbles as the candle cools. The "air bubbles" have NOTHING to do with bubbles from stirring, melting, etc.

    I have written & illustrated the method I use for removing the cavities, so I won't repeat it here; however it is important to realize the air cavities are not all located just under the surface - they are throughout the interior of the candle so it's important to get deep into the candle before it hardens.:)

    Stella I never seen those illustrated methods you are saying Can you please point me to that thread I really like to see it and learn before

    I burn the house :laugh2::laugh2:

    Thank you

  9. Okay! the reason I dint cut the soap was I have made 4 slobs each of the same. And cut the three of them and wrap them and had the 4rth uncut for my craft show for customers to see how it looks when is not cut and warp nicely So! here is the cut bars I hope you like:)



  10. Palm Wax burning I have a question about palm wax I have a jar burning now a 10 oz salsa jar 3.75 wide 3.75 tall htp 105 wick first burn and everything seems good. Now I read somewhere that the palm wax burns down first and it has a lot of hangups. My question is how many 4hrs burns I have to do do before I know if my wick is the right one. Hope I explain everything Ok...:)

  11. Okay! here I go reporting on my burns sorry to disappoint everybody but all the candles were under wick exp apt one now I have to remelt all of them and wick up 1 size or 2 I don't thing I will worry about the looks right now

    I just want to find the right wick Now my question is how do I remelt the Jars I know I have to put them in the stove but how high it has to be I am so :( I have to do it again

  12. Result of burning the Palm wax you were right about letting the wax go all the way that baby jar burn all the way down to the end nice and clean, and very comfortable to touch. Now I am testing the 10oz jar and having problems with the flame is the flame supposed to be high when you firs light

    the cause this one has a really large flame any advise will be appreciated

    And Stella! you like that eh? :wink2: "hangover" :laugh2::P

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