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Posts posted by sherry

  1. Man I like that! do you sell those????? And how much do you take paypal???


    This is my own design I made it for my DH he has shoulder problems and doesn't want to have an operation so I made this it seems to help him you can even freeze it

    Sorry I Just seen the post beloved; Yes I do sell them they are 17.00 Us and yes I do take Pay pal

  2. Hi! everyone I have been reading this board since 2006 I start making soap in the beginning off 2007 never sold anything yet But I thing I will this year Back to my point, I never made soy candles before I made Gel candles for a few years but they were hard to sale here in Canada so I stop making them

    Now my DD is hooked on candles she loves them she says it keeps her house smell good specially if you have a big dog in the house last month she spend over $200 bucks on candles and to top it all they dint even burn right some of them she took back some she throw out. So I figure with your help and her money :laugh2:I like to make a couple and she can burn test them for me I will like to start with your help and a soy wax and a 16 OZ Mason jar so my next question is what wick do I need do I need anything else I hope you good people can help me and her to stop bugging me and to save some money. ...

    Thanks for your help :)

  3. Candybee I don't know nothing about candles but this one burn weird as soon as my DD lighted the flame that exactly what happen

    candle tunneled when it burned and theres lots of wax leftover around the candle? there is a big hole in it what's the problem is it fixable or I should tell her to throw it away

  4. Well here is my new soaps The Firs my Plumeria basic recipe witch

    I love the smell Second Is a Acne soap I made for my DD and my DGD and if it works for booth I will post the recipe. It has no name yet I just call it acne soap I need help to peek a name, second my new body and face soufflé and Monster Spray label my DGD made the drawing for the spray

    And last my new Charcoal Lemongrass Soap Tell the truth please

    Thanks For looking

    What happen to my pictures let me try again

  5. Well here is my new soaps The Firs my Plumeria basic recipe witch

    I love the smell Second Is a Acne soap I made for my DD and my DGD and if it works for booth I will post the recipe. It has no name yet I just call it acne soap I need help to peek a name, second my new body and face soufflé and Monster Spray label my DGD made the drawing for the spray

    And last my new Charcoal Lemongrass Soap Tell the truth please

    Thanks For looking

  6. I! would like to know please, what is best to do whipped soap from a base

    Like FBB Or from skrartch . Now I know it will be faster with the base, but will it give you the same results then make it from skratch please.. let me know:confused:

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