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Posts posted by dublon

  1. My bars are only 2 weeks old, but the scent is still realllllllllllllllly great! I actually showered with a small piece yesterday....Very nice!! :bliss: Plus the fact that I've finally tweaked a recipe that I really like!!:whoohoo:

    Thank you all for the compliments on the swirls and colours too!!!

    I'm going to have to make another batch of that one very soon though....everyone that comes in the house just loves the scent. So I guess a few people will be getting xmas gifts. It should be ready just in time!!:D

  2. .....smell like ammonia for the first few days but cures into something you might attempt to take a bite out of.

    Yes I can see what you mean, by the ammonia smell! I was almost regretting my decision , until I read your post!! Thank you for posting this. At least I know that it should go away!!

    I had to pop the log in the freezer for a while this afternoon, then I took it out, put it on the counter, but now it's in the frig!! This is almost reminding me of my first batch when I kept peeking at it!! DH said that my soap was getting more attention than he was today!!! :laugh2: I was desperately trying to find a cool spot for it!!! :D

  3. :embarasse Thank you so much for the very kind words!!!

    I do have a bit of ash on some of the bars, but I think I will quite easily be able to clean them up.

    I'm soooooooooooo hoping that the scent stays though, as they still smell just divine!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!

    Thanks again everyone!! I really do appreciate the encouragement!!:)

  4. I'm about to attempt my first batch of CP with added honey and oatmeal. My lye and oils were made last night, so I'll be soaping RT.

    Is there a nice EO or fragrance that I could add to this or am I better to leave it as is..

    In my recipe I have Wheat Germ, Shea Butter(refined) and Cocoa butter (unrefined), along with the other traditional oils...

    Any help with scent will be truly appreciated!!


  5. :embarasse Thank you all so much for the kind compliments!! I'm a very determined cookie to get this swirling down!!

    I need to check on some other colours though. I'm using the oxides and the ultramarines at the moment, and it's harder to get exactly what I want!

  6. Well, after E's class on swirling... I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of it! I mean they are no where near as nice as some of you do, but dang I'm getting there!!:D

    I'm trying as hard as I can!! I do have a bit of ash, but I think I just might leave it this time....:grin2:

    Please excuse the quality of pics my camera is on it's way to camera heaven!!



  7. Logs are trickier IMO because of the depth.


    Oh you are sooooooooooo right!!! Yup I'll get some measurements out and get him to make me one. I like making 3# batches so I'll so a search for the size I need made!

    I am looking to buy a TOG slab mold too, one of these weeks. It's the shipping expense that is holding me back for right now, but xmas is coming!!!!:laugh2:

    And thank you for the comment E!! Much appreciated.

    I made another batch today using Dove FO from RA!! Do Not.. and I repeat DO NOT try to swirl that one!! :rolleyes2 I've tried 3x with this FO and it accelerates so darn fast... It's not even funny. And I tried at room temp too. I've tried warming the FO, and I've tried with the oils at around 90°. And I did it with a whisk too! Nope... nadda... no way ossé!

    That one is going to have to be one colour, but it smells so darn good though once it's cured!!

  8. The water discount box is right next to it, put in 18% to make a 33% solution. I think it is 18%. If not try 17 or 19 % in the box. I love the soapmaker, it's all I use. HTH

    It's 17.1 to be very precise to get the 33% lye solution. I figured that one out yesterday!!:)

  9. Ok.. here are a couple of pics.. Please excuse the quality of the pics.. My digital camera is acting up. I can take plain pics.. that's it. The focus buttons don't work, etc...

    One before I cut it, and one after. The swirls didn't do what I thought they were going to do inside the log. :confused:

    And on top... well it's not fantastic, but it is a starting point. Heck of a lot better than what I was doing before!! I think it must be much, much harder to swirl in a log mold, than a slab!! DH's gonna have to make me another mold!!:laugh2:



  10. By golly... I think I got it!!!:yay: Of course the swirl isn't as nice as E's but it's my best one yet!! I'll post pics tomorrow once I've got it out of the mold. The batch is in bed now!!

    I do have one question though...

    When we are pouring the second layer of plain... Is there a way to pour it to not disturb our "S" underneath??

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