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Posts posted by dublon

  1. Thank you all for your kind comments and suggestions!!

    The links... when you put your cursor over the navigation bar, the links turn yellow!! There's your yellow for ya!! :laugh2:

    A properties page!! Hmmm what an excellent idea!! I could just write a quick line or two I imagine.. just enough to let the reader know. Thanks Scented!! Yea I would like to see... just to give me a bit of an idea on how much to write!

    As for the webstore.... I was going to go with netfirms commerce pro, but it's kinda complicated, so I think I'll go with something a tad easier. Once I'm on vacation in a couple of weeks, I'll have more time to dabble with that aspect.

  2. Wow... thank you Carol. This is what I need!!!!:yay:

    Yes I know, some of my sentences do need work. :embarasse I had been trying to do both the english and french sides at the same time, and some of the phrases were translated really directly... Not good.:laugh2:

    As for the gift box.... lol, that is just a placecard ... waiting for another pic of my gift baskets... as soon as I get some made up!!

    I need to make some up for the show next week anyways, so hopefully I can get half decent pics of them.

    I'll get those other corrections done this afternoon!!!!

    The policies page... hmmm I wonder if I were to list my ingredients on the soap page??? After two years of playing around with different CP recipes, I've finally settled on one that I really like and use all the time.

    At least that way I can ask people to check the ingredients on the site, before they buy? Or is this really necessary.

    I'm really stuck on this one!

    Scented... thank you also. I also think I'll need to lighten up that art work underneath.

    I really do appreciate both of your comments!!!!:highfive:

  3. After almost 4 years of candle making, etc. I finally started doing craft shows this year..actually my first was 2 months ago and I have my second next week... I've tested till I'm sick almost but am finally confident in my products.

    So with this said, my website is now finally online..... minus a couple of pics which I'm working on.

    Seeing as you guys and gals have been helping me out since the beginning (and I totally thank you one and all for all the help and encouragement) I thought it only normal to come "live" here first.

    Any comments or suggestions are really welcome...


  4. Well I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one having troubles with this FO!!

    I am using Eco PB soy for my votives and I still don't have a decent burn on them. The last wick I tried was an HTP 105, and I'm too afraid to go any higher. I mean this is a votive!! :rolleyes2

    It's a total bummer, cause this fo really does smell great!!

  5. Ok.... get your heads outta the gutter....:D

    Soap racks..

    "Jealous" of Soapfreaks super racks... I went rummaging around a shed outside and found some old freezer baskets to cure soaps in.

    I just have a very simple question... if we cure all differents scents together like Soapfreak... don't the scents tend to mingle with each other and "contaminate" each other...

    That's all my questions for today!!!

    Thanks in advance as always!!:smiley2:

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