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Everything posted by dublon

  1. Note even on the label?? I guess I'll have to do a search on here...it must have been discussed somewhere and I missed it!! :embarasse As for Canada, I'll have to find out. We have weird laws around sometimes!! Thank you for the advice, it will be taken! I'll have to come up with a name for it, once I've tested it anyway!! I'm still waiting on my EO's to arrive!!
  2. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!!! That is the info I needed!!! :highfive:
  3. ooops... sorry if I posted in the wrong forum!! It is just the Eucalyptus that really had me confused as I already have the FO from Peaks... which is why I was asking this question in the first place.... That's where I got confused... although peppermint can come as an FO too!!! And when she talks about drops....... I imagine it would depend on the size of the dropper????? I usually measure everything in oz... or ml So I guess my question is how much of each.... Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I have been using FO'S and would really like to start using EO's for my soap!! TIA
  4. Hi everyone, One of the soap books that I have is "300 handcrafted soaps" great M&P projects by Marie Browning.. In her recipes, she lists fragrance in drops... and it could be either FO or EO.. Could someone give me a hand with this recipe please in telling me from their experience if these are FO's or EO's ?? I personnally think they are FO'S but I'm not sure. I would like to use EO'S for this recipe. Antibacterial Soap M&P base: 6 oz coconut oil soap base Fragrance: 10 drops peppermint, 5 drops eucalyptus, 5 drops tea tree Colorant: 5 drops green Additives: 1 tsp dried eucalyptus and 1 tsp dried peppermint And... could I use this recipe using goat's milk base? Thank you very much in advance!!
  5. Another vote for a glue gun here!! I tried the stick um's.... it wasn't too too bad, but my supplier doesn't carry them anymore. She now has glue dots!!! They absolutely do not work for my mason jars!!! So... I've bought myself a high temp glue gun, which almost never fails...as long as I put enough glue on!!
  6. I thought I'd bring this thread back on top..... I just poured M & P goats milk with Just Scent Baby Powder It's not even cooled yet, and it's a goin' brown!!! Too bad.. this stuff is super in my Ecosoy wax... but I don't like the looks of this in soap!! :embarasse Oh well!! Just thought I'd add my .. for any of you working on last minute xmas gifts!!!
  7. Thank you for responding!! Oh darn!!! And I'm petrified of CP 'cause of the lye.... Plus the fact that it is really hard to find here in Canada....where I am anyways! I can only find the small cans of lye and they are really expensive... 10.00$ for one at Home Hardware!!
  8. I just got asked from someone..an elderly lady..if I made pear soap. Apparently she has very delicate skin (she can't even wash with a face cloth), and she said that this soap was almost the only one that she could use. But now she can't find it anymore. I don't make CP yet....but do make M&P with goat's milk! Is there a recipe around that I could try?? From what I can remember, there was Pears soap... an oval gylcerine bar..way back when. But I don't think that this is what she is looking for. She told me that when she was a girl, the soap was made from real pears. Would pouring some clear gylcerine and adding a pear FO cut it??? I'm sorry if this might sound like a stupid question... and I have done a search, but haven't found what I'm looking for! Can someone help please?? TIA
  9. Never mind.... I've gone ahead and I'm trying it out!!
  10. votives. Made with Eco PB Pillar.. I usually use HTP 73 wicks with most all of my scents, which work beautifully, with a few exceptions of course!! Butterrum and now Chestnuts and Brown Sugar... Of course I know I need to test, but before getting myself into trouble here, would a CD8 be too big for a votive??? I'm dying to try it, but would a CD8 get too hot for the glass votive holder??? I tried a HTP83 with the Butterrum and it doesn't really cut it!! TIA:)
  11. 7 posts... and they are all deleted!! Hmmmm What happened to him anyway?? I just got home from work and didn't get a chance to read the posts!
  12. Yes I use Stephenson's soap... which is a base from England. I've only been making M&P for the last couple of months, but I really do like this base. I use the Goat's Milk with a little bit of scent, castor oil, and it seems to last quite a while! I work with a bunch of guys at a municipal garage, and I brought two bars for everyone to try! That was 3 weeks ago.. and they are still going... HTH
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by scentsme what about Just Scents "Cranberry Sauce"? ditto on the smelling like cherry for my hubby!! I couldn't put my finger on it, but yes I agree. It reminds me of those red gum drops. My aunt used to put those thingies in cookies way back when!! Oooh this thread is just in time, I was looking for a good cranberry myself!!:highfive:
  14. Oh soooooooooooo cool.... That is really neat!! It's something else that I'll have to try!!! Gees... between this candle and soap addiction, and a full time job, there are not enough hours in a day!!!
  15. Sorry if I drudge this particular subject back up again... but what did happen in the end????? What did the customer burn the tealight in??? I'm just curious, as I have had only one burn slightly on the side amongst the 1000's that I've made. Wick wasn't trimmed properly by customer ...I trim wicks before tealights leave here now since then... I was just wondering what your client burned this thing in!!
  16. Thank you so much for the responses, and advice!! I will do that... pour a simple bar with nothing in it, and ask her to try it! Then go from there!! Thanks again....much appreciated!!
  17. Hi all, I'm tinkering away trying to learn all I can about making M&P soap before graduating on to CP. I will have a hands on demonstration for CP next week with my supplier!!! I had a request from my DIL that she would like some hypoallergenic soap. Can someone please tell me what defines hypoallergenic soap. Is it the lack of FO and colour?? Or is there a certain ingredient in the M&P that I should be aware of?? If I were to pour my M&P goats milk... no FO and no colour, would that mean it would be hypoallergenic? And what about Castor oil??? TIA
  18. I think my problem, was that I simply was not letting it get hot enough in the mircrowave!! I was sooooooooo afraid it would boil in there!! Once I did it in the double boiler and saw just hot it could get, I was fine after that!! I too use a pyrex measuring cup!
  19. 3rd time lucky!!!! Yippppeeeeeeeeeee.. I got it!!!! :whoohoo: I made my second batch with the double broiler.. with a thermometer..just to check the temp that it melted at! Then I retried in the microwave... just a half a pound though!! But it went super smoothly!! I had plenty of time to add my colour and FO!! The only thing I messed up on this time, was the alcohol!! So I guess I'll have to learn to pour with one hand and spray the alcohol with the other.. I've just bought 8 pounds of goats milk M&P.. so guess what I'm doing this weekend!!
  20. Thank you sooooo much for the responses!! It eases my mind just a little!! I have nooooooooooo problem at all burning these tealights!!..Of course I trim them properly... not even a slight mushroom... when I trim it!! So other than trying to play around with the fragrance load abit for those two "problematic" FO's.. I will definately start trimming wicks before packaging!! I've already got about 100 6 packs made up, of tested and true ones.... I'm going sit down and trim them all.... with nice sharp sissors... just to be on the safe side!! I do not want another one of these mishaps!!! It scared the hell :lipsrseal out of me!! The tealights are only going to friends and family, but still!!! I would like to eventually make a little business out of this and expand.. one day!! Thanks again!!! Footnote to this: If anyone has come up with a miracle way of getting through to people's thick skulls.. to trim their god darn wicks.... please let me know about it!!
  21. Rustic Essentials Premium Liquid Colorants .... Has anyone ever tried these in soy...CB Advanced to be precise?? they say on their site that they are for gel, or parrafin, but they make no mention for soy. The reason I'm asking is that I've had a small problem with mushrooming with two different Fo's Spiced Pumpkin and Christmas Romance.. both from Village and Craft in Canada. I used their small 10ml sample bottle in ½ pound of CB advanced. Along with these I tried the orange, black and hunter green liquid dyes. These were poured in tealights using the 18-342T wicks.. I have never had a problem with mushrooming, and I've poured over 2000 and tested hundreds of these little buggars... until now.. with these two FO's with liquid dye. They mushroomed so much that they melted the plastic on the tealights!!! It didn't happen here, but a friend of mine was testing them for me.. She gave one back to me, and the wick was split...the mushroom! I figured that she didn't trim the wick properly, so I did a test here... not trimming the wick. Low and behold.. a huge mushroom..so much so that it was almost bending over to the side of the tealight!! Now I know you have to trim tealights... which is probably why I never have mushrooming, but not everyone will..even if you tell them too.. My question is: What made them mushroom in the first place? Could it be the dye?? Or would it most likely be the FO??? Or... do I have a bad batch of wicks... I know I'm stupid.. trying two new things at the same time... but this really driving me crazy besides scaring the heck of out me!!! Any help will really be appreciated!!!
  22. Thank you sooooooooo much Top for your reply!! And thank you for the link!! I still have so much more learning to do about colours, liquid, chips, powder, etc. It is almost overwhelming!!!! I will probably try the powder, but just not yet. I think for now I'll just go with natural for the white candles that I want. I found one of your posts on colours types for uses in soy, etc.. Extremely interesting... http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2040 And thank you Sally!!! That is a super great option.. overdipping, but I think I'm almost afraid to try using that stuff now!!! I might try it though.. later on down the road!! I do have another question though.. which I guess I should start in another thread!! Thanks again everyone!! Really appreciated!!
  23. I usually add colours in my candles, but I have a couple of xmas FO's that I wanted to pour pure white! One of the fragrances I want to use is fairly dark.. (Sleighbells for JS) It's almost an amber, which is why I tried to use that whitener block stuff.. but the whole mix came out really opaque and extremely hard to mix properly! Even when it burns it's opaque! Not too pretty, and of course it doesn't burn right either... Thank you realmarcha for responding though, and trying to help!!:smiley2: I was hoping on getting a bit more help on this.... Oh well... I tried!
  24. Yup.. I've tried that already!! Came up with absolutely nothing using scentforum.com Push comes to shove I'll ask my Canadian supplier to get me some as they do deal with RA directly!! It's just a bit more expensive that way, that's all! Thanks anyway!
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