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Posts posted by katmeltswax

  1. On 7/13/2018 at 11:41 AM, Trappeur said:

    I love the rustic look of these melts...how do you think these were made?  It's probably some sort of paraffin wouldn't you say?

    But there is a wick in there...hmmmm...what do they do?   Light the wick just like it is?

    And I have those tureens also.





    Trapp ,This is Awesome !


    I was wandering what type wick would you select & what wax to make these ? Lol am I asking to much here lmao.

    I can do the chunk tarts ,no problem. it's the wicking that I will run into trouble lol. Not much experience in candle making . I would live to make a few for Christmas gifts .

    Thank you kindly.


  2. 9 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    LOL... 😂  Well then I can say with confidence that you and I are a lot alike with orders.  It sometimes takes me 3-4 days to finalize my cart.   I can be slightly wishy washy with what I want to order.  😬 


    In any event, I do agree with you on Pink Chiffon, Jelly Donut, Marischino Cherry and Beautiful Day.  You (along with Gail and Sarah) suggested Jelly Donut and holy smokes... I fell in love with it!  Even OOB its nice!  


    Maple Pecan Strudel sounds awesome too!  What do mostly get from it on warm? Here are a few from WSP that I really enjoy in my wax:


    Pure Seduction

    Brown Sugar

    Cotton Candy 

    Candy Crush- VERY STRONG!

    Sugared Shortbread

    South Pacific Waters

    Sweet on Paris

    Orange Sugar & Shea

    Pink Berry Mimosa- BEAUTIFUL!

    Jack Frost

    White Pumpkin Purée 


    There are plenty of other ones .... I love WSP!  I am looking for a few new Fall Scents.  So if you or anyone can suggest some nice Fall FO's, please do share.  😇



    I like MPS hot throw to me smells wonderful . It has a soft Maple bakery type scent to my nose .I also use & love Candlewics Maple butter ,super strong . The wsp MPS is different & more like a pecan pie scent with a huge splash of maple added ,hope this makes sense lol...

    I like the price of this one ,much lower than many they carry .I feel like I am getting a great deal with MPS kwim...

    I do have & love Sweet on Paris ,I add a tad bit more lemon to mine ,great strong hot throw.

    I did recently order Cotton Candy ,I have tried almost every CC available with my regular suppliers & this scent seems so light . I hope to get good results with WSP cotton candy .Do you think wsp CC is strong ? I like the smell oob ,look forward to testing . 

    I would love your opinion on Orange Sugar & Shea ? Oh and Candy crush ? The both of these sound so good .

    I recently order Apple pie & will let you know results ,sure smells great oob .This will make a great Fall scent imo.

    I will see what else I have in fall oils & let you know 😉


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

    You are so funny.....just like a little kid in a candy store....lol...aaahhh I love it....



    💃I know right ,love it!!!!

    This oil smells so sweet & delicious . Trapp you gotta try this one . I will send ya a sample . I ordered a 1/2 pound , definitely getting a pound asap ,if this works out in my wax . Pretty sure it will be great 😉

  4. 10 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    Did you receive your order ?

    how is the strawberry 🍓 jam ?

    Moonstar ,I will be more than happy to send you a sample of the 🍓 jam.

    I know you will love this one!!!

    I think I found another all time favorite with this awesome oil .

    PM me your address & I will get this heading your way tomorrow. Lol I purchased a half pound bottle , definitely grabbing a pound of this one 😉



  5. 10 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    Did you receive your order ?

    how is the strawberry 🍓 jam ?

    I did finally receive the oils. 

    The strawberry jam smells amazing oob. I am going to put it in the wax this evening . I love love this one . I think I found another favorite lol..


  6. 48 minutes ago, cswilson said:

    Thanks for the warning about the beads from Aztec, I'll make sure I don't order from them. I do get my fragrance oils from them and I haven't had any problems with them so far.  That's a good price on the beads from the other place you mentioned, I'm curious as to how the other beads will work for you. Please let me know how they work out. Thanks

    I will let you know the results with the beads .I purchased these today .The price is 5lbs for 18.95 & 10lbs for $32.95 .I went ahead & grabbed the 10 lbs bag .I think with the free shipping,this is a great deal .


    I hope to receive the beads later this week. The actual website is Plasticpellets4fun.

    I will be in touch 😀


  7. On 7/10/2018 at 7:20 PM, cswilson said:

    I agree. I actually went to her website and told her about the beads and what they were doing. She then called me on the phone to tell me that the beads were affected by the weather and just like when you make a cake or candy during different weather situations that they might not work out. She said if it's cold or rainy or whatever that it would affect the outcome of the freshies. I tried to explain to her what they were doing but she was so busy telling me what I needed to do that I don't think she heard me at all. She said go get a heat gun to melt the beads in the middle. I said no you don't understand the top and bottom are melted but the middle is filled with loose beads. She kept saying yeah to everything I said and then told me to try putting the oven on 340 degrees instead of 350 and see how that works. She said this is how we make ours and they turn out just fine. I said if they didn't melt at 350 then what makes you think they will melt at 340? She said oh just try it and see if that works. These are pictures of the freshies. They bent and then split open and this is what one of them looked like. I could peel the top and bottom apart and all the beads starting falling out. You can see other color beads that did the same thing. The texas one has a hole where it didn't even melt together. 

    botched freshie.jpg

    hole in freshie.jpg

    This is the same results I got with beads from Aztec. I am going to purchase my beads from Plastics4fun & see what results I get .I know earlier here someone posted she had good luck with their premium beads. The price is great & free ship under 250lbs . I think I will go for the 10 lbs for $29 free ship.


    This co. also offers 5 lbs for $19 ,along with free shipping. I cannot find a better deal than this from any place online.

    I will let you know my results .

    I hope these work out ,as I get many request for car freshners & no way would I even give away the last batch I made, beads literally falling out from the center. I had to throw these to the trash . It is a waste of our time & money .

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, birdcharm said:


    I don't think that's silly at all ... I guess that's because I do the same thing, only worse.  I start a little Notepad file and copy/paste the names/prices of the ones in my cart in there along with some of the reviews I've read ... then when I'm ready to order I move the ones I want to order this time to the top of the page and ones for later below.  Since I mostly order in the fall and winter months, it really helps me refresh my memory before the next year's ordering comes along. 


    My last order included Ginger Spice which I really liked and it was a great mixer too.  Also, Sandalwood Incense is not a bad one, although it really doesn't smell like the name, but I can't exactly describe the scent ... I'm not really into Sandalwood, but someone I make candles for loves it, so I tried this one and it was acceptable to her alongside a more traditional sandalwood or w/ vanilla-types mix.  I also liked the Spiced Cranberry alone or with stronger berries or spices in a mix.  I just looked at my list from last year and I have Jelly Donut on there as a possible consideration, I've just been on the fence about it.


    The Jelly Donut will not disappoint, Wonderful scent.

    I am glad to hear you take notes , really that is a good idea. I have trouble making up my mind with orders all the time . The Spice Cranberry sounds really good .I will definitely put this one on my next order 😀

    • Like 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, Daisymay66 said:


    My WSP order is supposed to be here today I can’t wait :)

    I received my order today finally .This was placed during the Memorial Day sale, never had a shipment take this long . 


    I love the Strawberry Jam oob, smells so sweet & delicious . I am excited to get this one into the wax asap.  

    Daisy ,so what did you order ? I hope you like them 😀

    • Like 2
  10. On 7/10/2018 at 11:03 PM, Pam W said:

    I had some charges on my account using my debit card number AFTER  I had canceled that particular debit card...but the friggin bank put the charges thru.......WTF - if you cancel a card #, how the hell can a transaction go thru.............I guess that I need to educate myself on how bank card transitions are processed...one consumer rep informed me that I should use a credit card instead of a debit card....making the process easier in case of a dispute.

    I don't know where this goes from here but I know I cannot afford to have my bank account invaded because I have a disabled husband that needs particular meds.......and if my account is hacked leaving me with less than I need for hubbies meds...where do I go from here????????????????

    Life was much simplier before the internet.....................I know that the invention of the internet has been a God send but ya know,,,,,we pay a price for that technology """"""""God Sends"""""""come with a price, i.e. those that find a way to scam the system................looking back, could I have done without the internet?????????????hell, yes................

    I feel your pain with this situation. I cannot believe you had charges on a card that was cancelled ,makes no sense . I am still not in check  with my bank account .


    I am going to take TTs advice & post a complaint with the TN Attorney General. Maybe just maybe if enough of us complain , might just get something done .... I think a investigation needs to be under way asap.


    It seems to me Aztec does not have any concerns for their customers regarding the situation . I guarantee you if it were their bank account ,they would certainly be concerned .

    The website TT posted above is a start to at least try . I am going to get several family members to complain to TN AG as well ,more the better . 


    I was wandering if your going to drop this company as a supplier ? I am seriously thinking about doing so . I have been purchasing from this company for years ,such a shame. I wish you a speedy recovery from this malicious crime .

    I have seriously become obsessed with catching the felon that is stealing our hard earned dollars.

    I will never ever use my personal debit card online again. I purchased a pre paid card . I do have a PayPal account, however scared this could get hacked as well ...

    Such a shame we have to live in fear ,due to a thieving criminal . 

    • Confused 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, TallTayl said:

    Good luck! 


    I eliminated them as a supplier early on. They lack of concern for the financial devastation showed me a lot.... the one and only shipment from them was packaged so badly (and shorted)  I almost tossed it into the dumpster. Two strikes... I don’t need a third.

    The sad part for me is this company has been one of my main suppliers for many years now . I do have other suppliers & may just decide to carry my business elsewhere . I could have a little more understanding if Aztec showed any kind of concern....

    It seems to me they just do not care about their customers.

    This is no way to do business . Good for you on dropping them . I agree 100% with you .I will not give up so easily trying to catch the person committing this malicious crime ..

    .This is definitely a felony offense. 

    I feel for everyone that has had every penny taken from their bank account. It is not a good feeling to go check your balance & all your money has disappeared .

    This is not a matter of hundreds ,it's thousands of dollars . I am on my third new debit card & still not balanced correctly with the bank .

    I am definitely going to the AG & I appreciate your suggestion.


    I hope the other victims here will complain to AG as well. Thank you kindly!!!!


  12. On 7/10/2018 at 11:29 PM, ellajoan said:

    Kat, your situation sounds a lot like mine.  Third time we've been hacked from Aztec.  No one there will take any responsibility for it at all--claimed the problem was malware (it was not at all) and were downright rude in handling ripped off customers.  It took nearly 4 months for all charges to be reversed and more phone calls then I can count with each vendor they charged to--over a thousand dollars from our debit account.  And yes--all of my charges seemed to be for women's items, clothes, purses, and shoes.  If it's not their website they have a crooked employee sending our info to Asia.  I got an email address for some software they ordered and it looked to be from an Asian country.  Maddening and unbelievable that this is still going on.  My last hack was in March.  How they are still in business is beyond me with the multiple hacks and the terrible way the responded.

    Ellajoan ,I am sorry this has happened to you . I can relate to your troubles . I think if enough of us complain to the TN AG ,maybe we can get an investigation under way . It is a felony crime & this company needs to take this serious.


    The website is above in TT post . I am still not in check with my bank account. This causes such a financial hardship on us all. I cannot believe the company is not concerned for their business & reputation . I to thought this had to be an  Aztec employee .

    I am not giving up so easliy on trying to catch the theif . I can at least say I tried right ...I tried tracking several of the orders without any luck at all . There has to be a way to find out the person responsible for this viscous crime .

  13. On 7/10/2018 at 11:27 PM, TallTayl said:

    Before it was check washing. And forgery. Still happened, and just as hard to fix.


    Most secure protection is a prepaid credit card. Load it just before a transaction for the exact amount. If the number is hacked, the thief won’t get anything. Debit cards are bad news. I only use it at the atm at my bank for deposits when I can’t get a teller. Never online. 

    TT ,I certainly learned my lesson . I will never use my debit card online again . I am leary to even use PayPal now ,fear my PP account may get hacked . I purchased a pre paid card & do exactly as you stated . I load the amount on my card & leave nothing to spare .


     I am going to complain to the TN AG . I certainly hope  enough complaints will get a investigation in place . It truly is terrible & uncalled for .


    I must add illegal too. This is a felony crime & Aztec needs to take this very serious .


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. WSP is having a mystery grab bag sale starting Friday July 13th . The sale includes fragrance oils & many other Craft items . The price per bag is $1.50. WSP gaurantees each bag to have a value of at least $4.95.

    This sounds interesting!!!!

    I wanted to let everyone know about the sale , received the email earlier today .Anyone going to take a chance on the mystery bags ? I am thinking about $25 worth to get the free shipping . This can be risky business ,however may end up with lots of goodies 😀

  15. 14 hours ago, Trappeur said:

    I haven't even ordered any yet Kat...They are in my cart for next week when I intend to buy.   So sorry you couldn't get that graham cracker...what a bummer!



    Yes such a shame on the sale items .The sale ended so super fast , never seen this happen before in the past with this Co. 

    Goldie just posted we could possibly order discontinued scents from them on the phone . She saw the post on the WSP Facebook , certainly worth a try right .

    • Like 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, GoldieMN said:

    Someone may want to contact Wholesale Supplies Plus about the fragrances that were discounted and no longer available as, on Facebook, they responded to someone that they could special order a discontinued fragrance.  


    Thank you Goldie !

    I will go check on this right now .I am shocked the sale ended so fast , unbelievable they would sell out this quick. 

  17. 30 minutes ago, lightmyfire said:

    Wow! 3 weeks?  That's ridiculous!  Have you called them about that??

    I received a email Monday ,my order has finally been shipped . I have never had a shipment take this long with this Co. I am looking forward to the ones I ordered . The other scent I use & adore is Hydrangea ,spot on to the real flower imo.

    Did you see lightmyfires post earlier to the both of us ? She is truly a ANGEL . I really appreciate her generous offer .I sooo wanted the Graham cracker latte What a Blessing! 




    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, lightmyfire said:

    I'm so sorry that you and Kat weren't able to get the Graham Cracker Latte--ugh, I'm feeling guilty.  Please PM me and I'd be more than happy to have WSP send each of you a lb of my order.  Seriously.  :icon_awww:

    You are too kind ,what a generous offer .Gosh I would love to have some Graham cracker Latte . This is the one I wanted more than any other during this time .I just do not understand the sale ending so suddenly . I have never experienced this before with this Co. I will be happy to pay you thru PayPal for the oil. What a Blessing .Thank you so very much for offering . Are you sure you want to give up part of your oil ?

    I feel Blessed 😇I will pm my address . 

    You are alot like me ,I send out many oils to people myself . It makes me happy to help people when I can . Thank you so very much !


    Kat 😉

    • Like 1
  19. 13 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    Ugh, I know!  I couldn't believe that everything LITERALLY everything from the daily deals/sales area disappeared.  😚Yes it's almost impossible that they ALL would have sold so quick!  Even the molds are all gone!? So strange!  You actually had me wanting to try the graham cracker latte. But I'm like you.... when shopping online for FO's it takes me FOREVER to make up my mind.  😬  @lightmyfire was quick with her selection and was able to grab some fast.  👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼  I look forward to hearing what she thinks.  It sounds so good!!! 


    Well... like you said, look at the bright side of things.... Now we have money for other goodies!  😂  I just placed an order with them on the 26th  when they had the 25% off sale and the finally arrived yesterday.  Shocking that it took so long with me living within 40 minutes of them, do you know what I mean?  I usually just go there and sniff and grab but with the sale and shipping being free I had a small list of ones I really wanted so I just added them.  😇  Anyways.... do you have any favs from them?  

    I am still waiting for my order ,since the Memorial Day sale .It has been going on near 3 weeks now .Gosh they must have been drowning in orders .I usually never have to wait this darn long .

    I definitely do have some favorites .

    Jelly Donut 

    Maple pecan Strudel

    Gingham Apple 

    Pink Chiffon

    Marishino cherry 

    Vanilla bean Noel

    Beautiful Day

    Along with more I can't remember off the top of my head atm.... I will go see the others I have in stock & certainly let you know.

    lol I will also let you know the ones that definitely are not my favorites . I know when I get a WSP oil that blends well with my wax , it has great performance. I also have had some that simply just will not bind to my wax as well . I usually end up making bath bombs with these certain scents . 

    I was sure hoping to grab a couple pounds of Graham cracker Latte myself .It is so unbelievably strange to me that the sale just up & disappeared .I have never experienced this issue with WSP in the past .Kinda makes me wander what is the hek is going on ?????

    I guess I will try to be faster in the future when placing a order during sales .I learned my lesson lol. I am so slow when making decisions .I will fill up a cart ,take oils out ,put oils back & just constantly going back & fourth until I make my final decision,silly right 😀

    Be in touch on more fav from WSP & some that I do not care for oob .

  20. On 6/28/2018 at 2:10 PM, Sarah S said:

    @bfroberts, I'm sorry I didn't check in this thread sooner, did you get your order? Their clove is very nice, didn't make me squeal with joy but a nice basic clove. I am totally going to order the one from Flaming that Hopie recommended. 

    @katmeltswax, I recently ordered the strawberry jam, wheeeew its strong! I haven't put it in anything, I'm curious to hear what you think of it!

    Do you believe I still have not received my WSP order from Memorial Day sale .I did get the email recently on Monday ,finally has been shipped . 

    I am looking forward to the Strawberry Jam ,glad to hear it is strong . Shall find out soon .lol....Hoping to anyways 😉

    • Like 1
  21. On 7/9/2018 at 9:23 PM, Trappeur said:

    Thankyou Kat for that information.  I know I signed up for newsletters way back when, but I don't ever remember getting anything from them.   I will go and sign up again.    Thankyou!:thumbsup:



    Trapp, If you ever need anything from Candlewic, let me know & I can add the items to my cart ,ship to me along with my order . Once I get the item or items you want ,I can then ship to you at a much lower cost .I know a flat rate padded envelope is below $8. First class is even lower.

    I do order many oils & sometimes wax from CW. 

    Keep in mind I do always wait for the lower cost 30 off UPS ground when ordering. I will be placing a order soon for some of my oils I am running low on . I do highly recommend many of their Ultimate Bold fragrance oils . I just thought of the idea & suggestion to save you on high shipping cost, especially for wicks .

    I am more than happy to place your order along with mine . 


    Hope I am explaining & making sense Lol....Just let me know .



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