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Everything posted by wthomas57

  1. that is true and something I am always thinking about as well. But, if they are getting the bottom part of the logo as part of it, then it won't really matter since it says "candles"
  2. ever tried double wicking tumblers? I never have, and know it may not be necessary, but Ive seen them done that way. wouldnt know where to start. Probably a couple 36z
  3. it should be arriving any day now.. ill let ya know what I think. thank you
  4. Its ok... I probably need to get a pack anyway. Ill use them sometime. I appreciate the offer though. I mean, its up to you, but really not necessary. Did you ever try Premier's? Since you order from Flaming Candle, I am assume you might have. They seem to behave similar to zinc. But I am getting you ddin't like them as much for one reason or another.
  5. I do have MacApple from CS. Its a good one Ill give it a go in the apothecary. For my tumblers, I really thought z51s would be best so I started with them but most end up tunneling. Some recover eventually, most don't. 60s been working pretty well. I do a lot of testing with another guy on 6006 and so far I think he has had similar results. But again, we both using 8% I'm not really "big" enough to plan for weeks out so many candles I have to make on demand and having them wait 1-2 weeks just isn't going to work unfortunately.
  6. I should mention though... as my jars have increased, my FO% usually goes down a bit since the melt pool is larger and I get better HT. So while I say I use 8% that is usually for masons and tumblers. Anythign better, I dropped to 6 or so.
  7. i haven't tried wood wicks from flaming candle yet, i may give them a go. I typically use 8%, perhaps why a tad more mushrooming... but only two people I know who dont use 8% in this wax and you are one of them. Maybe that is the key. Ha! You still find good HT with 6%? I had heard from many they did not, which is why I chose 8%. I have used some that are not even all that strong at even 8% so Id imagine much worse at 6%. I am using all sorts of FOs. Some for production, some for testing. I have apple scents, vanilla scents, floral scents, bakery scents. the works really. Apple Harvest is an example of one that isn't that strong without using 8 or 9%. Same with Harvest type from NG. Mostly though, 8% gives me great results. Perhaps, cutting back woudl cut down on the mushroom though? I also do cure for at least a week or two before selling. But often test within a few days. I wish the larger jars were not of concern... but its my most requested. I think its because the value is better even though its more money. I dont mind that, because my profit margin is better as well than on smaller items. But still... its a pain in the rear end getting those going successfully.
  8. Thanks again I haven't found descent wood wicks. Where do you get yours? I didn't plan on doing big apothecarys but I was getting asked for those more than everything else. The largest I did was either 16oz mason or 11.5oz tumbler. Was constantly getting asked for larger sizes. You said you use z51 in status? Status is about the same as a tumbler, identical I thought really. I have to use z60 in almost eveyrthing. What FO % are you using? Regarding cure time... do you find that longer cure sometimes leads to needing larger wick or smaller? I would imagine larger, but if I read correctly in your example above you thought you were underwicked and it ended up perfect? I swore I ordered 36z somewhere but maybe not as I cant find a record of them.Ill do some more digging. Thanks
  9. Thanks again for following up. Your philosophy and mindset for candle making is pretty in line without how I've always been. K.I.S.S philosophy ya know? ha That being said, I've been getting a little irritated at what I can do with 6006 without issues like mushrooming. I totally get what you are saying about sticking with the FO's that perform well with little or no mushroom.... but unfortunately that doesn't leave a lot, lol. I know a lot of people who use 6006 and use zinc and all I hear is mushrooming is normal with those and you just gotta accept it. So I am curious how you been able to keep the mushroom down so much or do you just use a very small select few FOs? What % FO do you typically use if you don't mind me asking? I am still gonna give 4630 a shot and see how it goes. I completely agree with you on the uneven burning from self trimming wicks. Its entire reason I dont use CD's. But no mushroom, so its definitely a give and take ya know. One thing that has always concerned me about zincs is customer perception. I've had customer think they were lead wicks. I mean, its no big deal once you explain they aren't and that lead wicks are illegal.. but how often do you get to educate each customer on that? It's rare. So, customers choosing another candle simply because they see metal in our wicks is a concern to me. Funny that you mention pumpkin souffle... its definitely a challenge! Works great in my masons.... but after trying to get it to work in Tumblers, it makes me want to quit making candles. haha I've also never tried blending waxes for candles, so it would be a new venture for me. But since most of the best candles out there are custom blends whether it be buy small candle makers or the big boys, I figured it was worth a shot. So, I MAY try 4630/6006 or 4630 and a pillar blend. We'll see. Regarding the apothecarys. I am working with those too and could not be more hit or miss. Mostly miss. I can do a cranberry marmalade with a zinc 62 and works pretty darn well. But most others I cant get a complete MP. You mentioned double wicking those. Could you remind me which double wicks worked well for you. I think you told me before that it was 2 44-24s? I've tried 44-24. 44-28, 44-32 to this point starting with the biggest. But even the smallest made a complete MP in less than 30 minutes and my jar became incredibly too hot! I haven't tried 36s or lower yet, so maybe I will. You said you were able to double wick those successfully, so just thought Id ask again about it before I give up. Finally, would you mind sharing what other big jars you are moving to for a better burn instead of the apothecarys? I went with those simply because I didn't really many many other options. Thanks again!
  10. Thanks for the detailed info. I mostly use 6006 now, part of what has annoyed me was the extra cure time and its pour sensitivity. I mean, its not as bad as some other waxes, but like you said... it could be better with 4630. 6006 has good HT for me, but having to wait to get it can be a bit frustrating, especially for testing purposes. Regarding the wicking... I am torn here. I actually thought you were gonna tell me you used zincs in the 4630 as well. I have some issues with wicking 6006 sometimes especially in larger containers (apothecary). That is partially why I would like try 4630. Although I figured the zincs would work with it, but perhaps Ill try the HTP if you had success with them. My 6006 works great in masons, descent in tumblers but not good at all in larger jars and I am hoping 4630 could help with that. I thought about blending the two but not sure it would get me any kind of benefit and just be a silly thing to do. My biggest concern is trying to cut down on mushrooming from using the zincs in 6006. I guess it just bothers me more than it does everyone else so its always an itch I keep trying to scratch. I have found a handful of FOs that dont' throw great for mein 6006 but I imagine Id find that with any wax. I'm curious what you liked better about the burn of the zincs in 6006 over the HTPs in the 4630? Oh, and regarding burn time. I was thinking about this too. Ive never done this myself, but what about blending in a little of a harder pillar wax with the 4630 to try and increase the burn time. I realize this could mean wicking up a size or even possibly a wick change, I dont know. Like I said, never done it. But sounds like it may work in theory.
  11. Hey everyone, Was curious if there was a general consensus which had a better HT out of 6006 and 4360? Also, any thoughts to which is easier to wick or seems to burn better? thanks
  12. Hey Candybee, I just read through their policy and FAQs and they specifically EXCLUDE candles. In fact, its one of the first few it mentions that they will not cover. So unfortunately, they will not work. Just wanted to share this as I just discovered it.Ill be going with Indie.
  13. unfortunately, I just read through their FAQs and info and they exclude candles (not eligible). Bummer
  14. Actually after reading a bit more, I checked out Indie Business Network and they use the EXACT same insurance group and policies as Soapguild does.... BUT with the added benefit of being more focused on candle makers as well. In addition, no requirement to also carry soap or cosmetic items. May have found a winner!
  15. I was looking to switch to them, but after reading their fine print and their FAQs, you do not qualify if you only sell candles and melts. I know this doesn't apply to you,but currently I do not have any soaps or cosmetics in my line of products. According to them, this doesn't qualify as you at least need some soap or cosmetic product. Any other suggestions? Thanks
  16. Thank you. thats all I needed. Ill order some and give it a go. Thanks so much
  17. Hey everyone, I was curious who all uses or has used liquid dyes from Cajun Candles. I know its being a lit nitpicky, but I hate dealing with the separate droppers from most suppliers. I like that Cajun has the built on dropper on the dyes. Grab and squeeze, rather than unscrew, plunge some dye into dropper, carefully add a couple drops, then replace plunger without knocking over or spilling the dye. Frustrating, its only happened a few times, but that mess never goes away! So Id like to give Cajun's a try and was curious any feedback. Good dyes, still concentrated, quality, etc? Thanks
  18. Hey Suzy, where do you prefer to get your portion cups? Thanks
  19. Who else wishes CS, Aztech, NG would all join together! Ha Oh and throw in Fillmore, Flaming Candle, and Rustic Escentuals while we are at it.
  20. Great, thanks for the responses. what you all are saying what what I had always thought and in fact, what I do as well. Just wanted to make sure. I also lid mine right away to keep any unwanted debris and dust off... but I cover them while curing even first couple hours often as well. And thanks for the suggestion on the cleaning out the lids... I have had some luck with that but generally depends on the lid. Metal or glass it works just fine. I have issues with the flat brushed metal lids that have the silicon/rubber seal in them. Those are next to impossible for me to get the scent out of. But Ill give it another go. Thanks again for the reassurance and feedback!
  21. This is why I do the same thing... but didn't know if there was any truth or concern about fragrance "escaping" without a lid. Or if the lid actually helps or not. thanks
  22. So, I know I stumbled upon a thread talking about this once on here but for the life of me cant find it. Not sure I am choosing the right search words. I'm just curious after pouring, how long do you let them sit before adding a lid or cover? Do any of you let yours sit for days or weeks without covering? I remember seeing some mass candle manufactures on you tube or something a while back and theyd pour massive amounts obviously and theyd sit there for sometime before finally being covered and packaged. I always tend to cover my as soon as possible as I am always worried about losing scent as the fragrance continues to evaporate while curing. Is this a real concern? Am I actually losing fragrance if I dont do that? Additionally.. what about your candles that are completely hardened and cured. Do you still store them with lids or does it matter (in regards to scent retention) at that point? The reason I am asking is I often pour candles that will end up using different lids (depending on the event, or who its for, etc). And since lids take on the scent of the candle they are on, I dont really want to lid one for a week, then realize it will need a different lid and then have two switch. I end up with the new lid holding very little fragrance and the previously lid now smelling ONLY like the candle it just came off of and I cant use it other than back on same scented candle. I'm sure I am making a mountain out of a mole hill here, but thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks all
  23. yep... and Im not dissing their candles at all. Im sure they are great. But that is not why they are selling them at that price, lol. I agree learning from what they do well... but its pretty obvious they went after the top 1%ers because there is NO market for candles that costly unless you are wealthy. Just no other way to slice it. So their target niche and marketing strategy to convince that market that their candles are superior and that is why they should splurge their money on their candles is the key to their success.
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