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Everything posted by von691

  1. I put mine in little molds for chocolate , some end up ok and others are warty or have little holes so I gave up for a while.So just keep trying they have to get better with time.
  2. You can call them and they will send you out 4oz samples to try. The # is 1-800-926-0331 This way you also know if you will like it.
  3. I received my free samples of unrefined beige and soap grade from them today. definitely has a nutty smell but not nasty, nice firm texture. a little sticky soap grade is a darker beige than the beige one will post more on how well it works for whipped shea and in soap. They have nice customer service and fast shipping.
  4. Has business gotten better with www.candleandsoapstuff.com ? They have some great prices and I am leary of ordering if anyone still has had problems with them. Any comments would be helpful. If it is negative please pm me.
  5. http://www.oilsbynature.com this is where I did a co-op of it last year. HTH
  6. That is beautiful, I wish I had the guts to do something like that. Excellent job!
  7. great job. bet it smells wonderful
  8. I have been using an old lye can for it and its reusable over and over and I can put the lid back on so no one has to worry about it in the trash
  9. great job on them. The brown round looks like my first GM soap I did
  10. very nice job, bet they sell great
  11. very pretty rustics. bet they smell great
  12. They are very pretty. You did an excellent job
  13. they look very nice, marbed is cool looking
  14. They look really cool in clear M&P. My kids love them and so do the boys at the boys home as long as you scent them in mens fragrance.
  15. pampered chef carries one that I use, and does double duty to cut lettuce, veg.
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