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Everything posted by von691

  1. KYSupply has the best BNB that I have found smells like it is baking in the oven.HTH
  2. This is the unity candle I did for my moms wedding
  3. I use 51z as 44z don't melt all the way for me. I use 1oz pp and color blocks to color.HTH
  4. Very simple but elegant. I love the way it looks.
  5. I charge $5 for my 8 oz jj and $3 for my 4 oz jj. Had to add my 2$
  6. I use 44z wicks for all my votives in astro v wax and J-50 container votives. Seems to burn fine for me.
  7. Thanks for everyones help. Will correct and repost when I get done.TIA
  8. This is the label I have for my bath salts. Could someone let me know if this is the correct way to do the label? Anything I need to change? Sorry if the pic is too big. I have a time getting them the right size.
  9. I use 44 z in mine with J-50 wax. I haven't had an issue with them being too hot.
  10. I like the colors and think you did a fine job for your first one. Keep up the great work.:smiley2:
  11. Does anyone know if the Scent Event Oils- Vanilla Ice Cream and Vanilla Milk are bath and body safe? I got some a while back off the classifieds and forgot to find out if they will work in soaps lotions and bath salts. I hope someone is able to help me.
  12. Ok I know someone probably posted this before, but here goes. What is an ornie? How are they made and what are they used for? Any help will be appreciated.
  13. Ok here is the updated picture. The program I am working with won't allow me to fix the shortened u in the business name
  14. Thank You all. No offense taken. I am not a purple person but it was the only logo I could find that I liked. I wasn't sure about where to put everything. I will make modifications and repost later today. As for the business name I am not sure how to make it bigger yet as I did it with my picture program. Will work on it and post so you can all let me know what I need to fix later.
  15. Had a time trying to upload it. its a little blurry but hopefully you can see it. Thanks for looking and letting me know.
  16. Here is a pic of my new label. Tell me what you think? Anything I need to add? I wanted a universal label that would work on all my products. I am going to put information, scent ,ingredients etc. on my back label. I am still working on the back labels The 2nd pic is with the corrections, if I am still missing something let me know?
  17. Great job on the website. Very easy to navigate.
  18. I package mine in 3x4 ziplock bags my larger ones I am putting in 4x4 ziplocks. I sell mine for $.60 each
  19. They look good enough to eat. i would have sworn they were real.
  20. They are very cute.Bet they smell good.
  21. You poor thing I hope it does well for you. I use a 1 oz and 2 oz sample bottle to weigh my scents. Then they don't melt the plastic cups. Good Luck with it. Bet it smells great.
  22. Thanks for the information.:wink2:I am gonna try these. hopefully this week.
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