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Clear Black

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Posts posted by Clear Black

  1. Ya Trap, ive always liked the rustic/different feel amber jars give off. And the glow is nice as well. I know a few sites that sell this jar and wonder if you have tried the cobalt blue ones they also sell? I bet you could make a nice label for those, your labels are always so very nice ;p

    • Like 2
  2. Wow TT! You nailed that tent for sure! Such a great booth setup at that type of faire. 


    I am really wanting to see you jars/tins up close though. They look hella awesome and well packaged. You should be proud to show those off TT, well done lass

    • Like 1
  3. Sam here Trap. After I pour my jars and after they have cooled, I use my own personnal wick trimmer like this one to trim the wick down to size. Ive never had an issue.


    When you have the time please do leave me that link. I tried sifting through the endless listings on Fleabay and couldnt see any at the price point you see them at. I did notice most were imports from China and I am ok with waiting weeks for an order as long as I order ahead of time :D

  4. I buy 5 of my FO's from Fillmore and noticed they have a pretty decent price on wick trimmers: http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/Wick-Trimmer-Wickman-Stainless-Steel-P652.aspx


    I was wondering if any of you know of another, possibly, cheaper alternative to buy in bulk? At Fillmores bulk price of $4.50 it does leave room to mark them up a few dollars and sell as an accessory, but Id like to see if I can find them for less than that.


    Thanks :D

  5. On a side note Island Girl, are those the Calypso jars from Glassnow? If they are, I just ordered a bunch of the 16 ounce jars and was wondering if you had tested these and which wax you use. Are those CD wicks as well?


    Any insight would be apreciated if these indeed are the Glassnow jars im thinking of. 

  6. My two cents is you arent even to the halfway point of that jar and already have a 1/2" meltpool. My suggestion is to keep testing and see how hot that gets further down. It looks to me that in the bottom 1/3rd of that container it will be burning a bit too hot. If it does, keep stepping down a wick til u get a balance of safety and good throw. 755 might just be it who knows

    • Like 1
  7. Hey money! I just found this little guy which would be awesome for your needs IMO. Like the description says, I would label it in a way to a "Keep the Glass!" type special edition candle




    Just did a quick cart checkout after adding ~200 and seeing what shipping would be. Of course we live in seperate areas, but it came out to roughly $1.32 per glass can. Seems pretty solid of a price if you ask me. All you would need to do is come up with some sort of cardboard dust cover and these would be pretty darn neat.

    • Like 1
  8. My first reaction to this would be to ask yourself how hot a candle would get if the container was made of VERY thin aluminum. Too hot to the touch and a liability I would think.


    If it were me, I would instead look into making the wine bottle candles. Those seem to be trendy and popular at the moment and only takes a small investment in the right saw to cut the glass and grind the tops smooth. Makes a much sturdier container in the end.


    Just my two cents though :)

    • Like 1
  9. Like you I was dead set on 4627. I spent an entire year working and testing that wax but eventually went with 444 soy. I fou d no matter what wick and FO % I used, that wax would just soot like you wouldnt believe. Others may have had better luck, but others still have said the same thing. Its also messy as all hell. Has the consistency of warm vaseline jelly. Do yourself a favor, if you really want to work with this wax, go to Lowes and buy a few of their 5 gallon blue buckets. It will hold a 25lb bag of the 4627. When you get the bag of wax cut it down the sides and with a long bread knife start cutting chunks of it out and into the blue bucket. Once you have all into the blue bucket, use an ice cream scooper to portion out what you need as you weigh it up.


    On the plus side, 4627 throws fragrance like no other wax ive ever tested. Hot and cold throw is 2nd to none. 


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  10. Most ecommerce sites are saturated with similar type products. Whichever you choose I would suggest doing your best to "stand out" and make your product as unique as possible.


    Most sell on Etsy, Amazon, Shopify, etc etc. Then I think there is square space ? And of course your .com sites that YOU own. Many here have their own .com ecommerce so maybe they can chime in with some help. I hope to also have one someday but only do fairs and physical sales, no online. Havnt grown to that point yet but Im still in early stages so baby steps


    Good luck!

  11. 7 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    It really depends on the event. My summer fair runs nine weekends in a row.  We stay set up the whole time.  I stock 50 all in one size of soap and soy and beeswax candles. 40 are generally the same. 10 new ones get rotated in every week or two based on themes. 


    For small fairs that I have to set up and breakdown every weekend I would bring far Fewer. And I no longer do multiple sizes. It is too much work.

    Exactly how I was approaching the fair I am doing for Black Friday. Its a two day fair with about 120 tables. Only one size container, maybe aroma beads if I can make them look nice by then. Im just trying to figure out if I should bring any florals or substitute those for a few more traditional holiday FO's like Mistletoe or First Snow.

  12. Lol, yes. We are in the same boat. I think mine may be sinking faster than yours though. I pretty much sell one type of candle but I have also been testing aroma beads so maybe I will make some up and see if they sell. For my first few fairs though, I want to see what the general consensus are for my candles seeing as they arent your typical candles you see most places. After that, I think I can branch off to other items to bring.


    But ya, AS for my fairs in November, it looks like I will be bringing 23 FO's. Wish me luck :D

  13. Maestro comes free for 3 months with any purchase from Online Labels. It is a basic label program but should suit your needs. 


    Having nice, beautiful labels also depends on your printers capabilities. You are sort of limited to what your printer at home can do. If you plan on doing labels at home for the time being, I would suggest investing in a good printer. Ink is expensive as all heck and getting your labels to line up perfectly was the fruatrating part for me. I got them to turn out fairly decent after I purchased a high DPI laser printer. Before that they just looked poor quality and I wasnt satisfied. In the end however, I gave up printing at home and went to a local print shop instead. I purchased Adobe Illustrator and made my labels through that program. The final tally per label will be around $.90 per label. Which after you factor in buying your blank labels, time setting everything up and most importantly ink, it isnt much more per label for me and now they have a professional look.


    My long winded point being, dont hesitate to stop in to a local print shop, explain your needs and see what they say. You may be surprised at what you find out. Good luck Pam!

  14. I am having a hard time containing myself when it comes to the number of FO's I want to sell. I am fast approaching my first fair this September. I just signed a contract deal with a professional label print shop locally to make these fantastic matte on vinyl labels for my cans. Considering I am getting 25 different labels (for 25 diff FO'S) I got a good deal and only a few cents away from what I had projected in my budget. The trouble is, thats only about half of the FO's that I essentially could bring. I left out virtually all of my flower FO's seeing how its end of summer/fall fair. No xmas holiday ones or spring time FO's. Just the ones I think will have the best chance of selling.


    I know its not feasable, but deep down inside I want to be that chandler that carry's 100+ FO's lol. HOW DO I STOOOP!!! :D


    How many FO choices do you bring to fairs? 

  15. This is all too funny. I recently dusted off a few YC pillar type candles I recieved as a Xmas gift a few years back. I decided to just burn them instead of wasting them, heck why not eh? Not even a half hour into this darn thing and I already had a full mp and about 1/4 deep. And this was at the top of a 5 inch tall glass pillar jar. I snuffed it out and hucked it in the trash. Not a chance in hell I was burning that thing down and risking the glass getting too hot. I almost brought it back in because I HAD A FULL MP lol, nevermind not getting one. So I guess people will find a way to complain about anything really. I say if you wanna sell online go for it. Make a disclaimer page on your website outlining how YOU want your candles burned. Title it something like candle burning care instructions blah blah blah. That way, later if you get a nasty customer, you can point to that warnings page and ask if they bothered to read it. Thats what I will be doing in 4 months when I begin building my web page.


    Good luck


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  16. Wait...did I just read that correctly? You paid $42 for 16 ounces of FO and are wondering why the cost per candle is high??? Thats pretty self explanatory to me my friend. Only ONE of my FO is on the "expensive" side at just shy of $20 per 16 ounces and I have a hard time justifying that. If it were me, I would forget about that FO til I found a suitable alternative. I cant imagine you could turn a profit with a FO that rediculously over priced. Shame on that supplier for charging so much

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