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Everything posted by TwinMom

  1. Is there a real difference then between the two?
  2. anyone have one they would like to share?
  3. where do you get silver labels? I have never seen any other labels except clear or glossy.
  4. A friend of mine wants me to make her 3 tiered pillars scented fresh cut roses and wants them to be red and yellow. Should I layer them, or just do the top in Yellow and the bottom half in red, any other ideas that would look nice to make it look like a rose...thanks
  5. LOVE YOUR SITE!! Your pictures are great!!!
  6. site looks great! love the labels too. I really like the lids on your madison jars, I hate buying candles that dont have some sort of protection on the top, otherwise they get dust in them. Nice job!
  7. Where can I find a recipe for these? A friend of mine made me some black raspberry vanilla and I used it all and want to see if I can make my own, she doesnt make it anymore.
  8. I love those baskets!! I have looked everywhere for baskets like that... Your baskets are awesome! I definately would stop and buy. I love the colours, the display, the labelling-all of it. I like that you didnt add too much product. An over stuffed basket looks too busy to me. Fantastic work!!!
  9. I think there is someone in the classifieds selling risers right now....
  10. looking still for the cheapest place to get 1 oz samples of the fragrances listed..any ideas? I have looked at most of the sites that are listed on here for dupes but some places want 6 bucks for 1 oz samples! Thanks in advance
  11. You have 5 different caterogies of fragrances, so just offer between 3-5 of each fragrance in each category
  12. Oh I hope you can get some answers to this, I am wondering the same thing!
  13. This is a great thread!! I have looked at everyone's sites and everyone has beautiful products, keep the sites coming in, I want to keep on looking:D
  14. Not sure, but are these what you are talking about?? I found them on Ebay
  15. I saw this kit on candles and supplies website and asked if they knew what size labels they are but they get them from a supplier and are sealed. Does anyone know where to get labels like this? If not I will just buy the kit and see if the kit tells me....have some fun with it anyway. (oh, the labels on the malibu tubes) Thanks in advance
  16. I cant help you out on your shipping costs, but CONGRATS on getting your foot in the door with the hotel!!!!
  17. when a company says that their fragrance oil or flavor oil has a shelf life of 1 year is that in the made product or the unmade product? If a flavor oil sits for 7 months on their shelves and then you make a product and 'assume' it has a 1 year shelf life....then what, how can you tell?
  18. lip balm/gloss flavor?? I have been looking and there are so many to pick from. THe best selection so far that I have found is at Oregan Trails, does anyone use theirs?
  19. THat is actually a good idea too. I will have to try my hand at both and then post. She just thought it would be a good idea to package them in different sized ball shapes and then you can just use one at a time instead of breaking off a bar. I found these super cute containers to package them in, they look like little milk containers...
  20. the following designer fragrances: Hugo Boss Eternity Clean Cotton Cool water for men Drakar Noir Georgio Armani Thanks.....
  21. Where did you get bacon f/o from?? My hubby would love a candle that smells like bacon, he LOVES bacon, I keep telling him to lay off the bacon as it will be the death of him-literally but he never listens..lol
  22. I had to make black and I mean black votives for a wedding. I used liquid dye from Voyageur Soap and Candle and it didnt smell at all. The candles are posted in the gallery under "a whole bunch of candles" if you want to see how black they came out...
  23. Just wondering if there was a mold you can get to make massage balls.....someone asked me about them, she thought it would be a good idea because you can make them just big enough for one use instead of breaking off a bar....
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