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Posts posted by kfintoni

  1. So I ordered two this week one from Candlewic and one from Millscreek. Here are the descriptions:


    Millscreek: The naturally fresh, woody smell of leaves in the brisk autumn air, this vibrant medley of birch and maple leaves, with pomegranate, juniper berry, and orange blossom added to the blend


    Candlewic:  Warm, earthy Patchouli combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon. and top notes of mandarin and berry.


    OOB they smelled identical and I asked several different people so I assume they get them from the same manufacturer? I mixed half of each and poured away. I love it and I do not think it is because I blended them as I said oob they were the same. I will definitely order more of it as it is a great scent.


    I also have a tone of leave scents most recently using FMC mountain leaves but I think I will stop looking now.


    Karen in MA

    Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c57&title=Our-Ultimate-Scents---Extreme-&-Bold-Candle-Scents#sthash.9uBz9HAs.dpuf
    Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c57&title=Our-Ultimate-Scents---Extreme-&-Bold-Candle-Scents#sthash.9uBz9HAs.dpuf
    Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c57&title=Our-Ultimate-Scents---Extreme-&-Bold-Candle-Scents#sthash.9uBz9HAs.dpuf
    Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c57&title=Our-Ultimate-Scents---Extreme-&-Bold-Candle-Scents#sthash.9uBz9HAs.dpuf
    Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c57&title=Our-Ultimate-Scents---Extreme-&-Bold-Candle-Scents#sthash.9uBz9HAs.dpuf
  2. Okay I poured this and it is amazing but has my nose gone haywire but does it smell like Pine sap. I get a smell of the wood of a fresh cut pine tree, that I got sap all over my fingers kind of smell. I smell no Patch at all in it. This is my scond favorite winter scent this year just behind FMC Cedar Garland.


    Karen in MA

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  3. Good morning,


    I am not the best at thinking up new names. I need some suggestions on what to rename the Tinsel scent for the holidays and year round. I am thinking in my area a Tinsel named candle may not sell well.



    Karen in MA

  4. Hello all,


    I just upgraded to the new iphone 6 as my 4 was dying. My question to everyone is does anyone know of a good adapter for the square? With the Otter case on the phone the pin is not long enough to make a connection and I hate the thought of not having a case on it at shows. I can just picture it can you sign here and woops sorry I did not mean to drop it. I have looked on amazon and ebay and some say they work and others don't I guess it depends on if it is 2 or 3 lines on the adapter.



    Karen in MA

  5. Good morning,


    I was wondering if anyone has ever done anything like this without burning down the house. I am always so nervous about putting anything flammable on the outside of the jars but I have a customer who wants something light this. I suggested only using a tea light in something like the picture but she wants a filled candle. I would use a 16 oz mayo for this but am concerned that the outside would get too hot. Do you think a mason would be thick enough. I also had a customer ask about the same thing but with pages from a book. I said no right away but then was thinking if I mod podge them on would that work? Just thinking out loud but would love to hear your thoughts on this.


    Karen in MA


  6. Good morning,


    I am looking for suggestions on where to start on wicking a 1.25 oz jar. I am looking for a starting point on wick suggestions. All the wick charts I have start at a circumference of 2" and up and anything smaller than that go to tea light. Thanks for any suggestions. I am attaching a pic of the jar I want to use.



    Karen in MA


  7. 300 mile trip to Fillmore and Candlewic. It was definitely a long drive but it was great to sniff in person. I was not able to sniff much at candlewic as they were actually closing up when I got there. At Fillmore the creamy chai was great. I also loved the citrus spruce. Not a fall scent but the green apple and key lime were great, I picked up some of that. I thought the butterscotch pudding from CW was the best but I loved the butterscotch brûlée. Pineapple cilantro had more pineapple than cilantro. Though I did not get any because I had already spent way too much$ the warm vanilla Carmel was amazing.

    Karen in MA

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  8. I am in PA this week and plan on heading over tomorrow. I am loading up on wax jars and scents to save on shipping. I love their cocoa therapy and my new favorite is the nutmeg ginger. I also plan on making a stop at candlewic also. We have only one supplier in MA and I only use them if in a bind as the prices are so high.

    Karen in Ma

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  9. I did send her an email letting her know I would be happy to replace it once we receive it and then we could also refund her the cost of shipping at that time. Her reply was I have lost a loyal customer. Not so loyal if she has not purchased from me.


    Karen in MA

  10. Thank you for the replies. I like the idea of having her send it back. Today it went from I don't own a camera , so I asked her to text me a picture. Her reply was no camera on her phone. What phone does not have a camera? Then it was I was loosing a soon to be loyal customer over a candle? I will just have to take the hit on it. I thought it was a gift. Then I asked again for what was on the label and where it was purchased and I get a generic 16 Oz reply and somewhere in MA.


    Here is her last email to me "Ok so now what are we going to do? I've given you all information you


    I had been sent a scam email like this before from someone stating they bought my candle in Maine. I don't sell in Maine so I did not even reply. I am going to ask for her to send it back and we will see what happens.


    Karen in MA

  11. I have a few questions about making pillars. I make jar candles and votives but purchased a few beautiful silicone molds t try.


    My first question is how long do you let them sit for before un molding them?


    Second any hints on how to clean silicone molds, everything is sticking to them.


    I am using Eco Soya PB blend. Any suggestions on the best wicks to use? I plan on testing them of course but figured someone could give me a starting point. The molds are all about 3 x 4 and 3x 5 some in odd shapes.



    Karen in MA

  12. I had a question for all of you knowledgeable people. How do you handle your complaints?


    Thankfully I have had very few, knocking on wood as I type this, but I received a complaint about a candle today and this is what she sent me "three times for a total of a half an hour and the wick is gone"  This is how she burned the candle. Obviously it was not burned long enough on the initial burn. I asked her to send me a picture of the top of the candle and one of the label. I said it was so I could check the size of the jar and how the wax looked, Was it wrong of me to ask for the pics? I know I could easily just send her another one but she got it as a "gift" from someone so I want to make sure she actually has one of my candles and not trying to get a free one. The scent she mentioned is a fall scent that I have not had for awhile.


    How do you all handle complaints like this.



    Karen in MA

  13. Hello everyone,

    I would love to be able to have a wholesale client page where my customers could order directly from me. Unfortunately my we hosting only allows me to do a blanket % or dollar amount off on wholesale pricing. Since it is not the same percentage across all products I cannot offer it. My question is do any of you use a web hosting company that allows you to set individual wholesale prices? I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks Karen in MA

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