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Posts posted by kfintoni

  1. I like the ida of the Italian ices. I could use cherry, lemon and LIme. I do have Almond Biscotti FO and Pistachio FO coming so I was going to use that for the green and white but was stuck on the red for the bottom, maybe a cherry amaretto fro the red. I also have a wine fragrance coming. I do have a few basil and herb like fo so maybe those with the wine.


    Thank you all for the suggestions.

    Karen in MA

  2. Hello all,


    I ahve searched and searched for this and cannot find an answer. I have found the cutest containers I want to use for some candles but they are planters and have a drain hole in the bottom. What is the best thing to use to plug up the hole. I was thinking just some while caulking but am concerned how it will interact with the hot wax. What do you all suggest.



    Karen in MA

  3. Hello everyone this is not persay regarding candles but I use Horde mail to read my business email. It was recently upgraded and since then I am having all kinds of problems. Is anyone having issues with the upgraded Horde mail through C panel? Almost all my emails are going into spam folders or just not even being delivered.



    Karen in MA

  4. Good morning,


    I had a question on what everyone does in regards to a nice white candle if the fragrance oil has a slight discolor to it. For example I ordered Fairy Garden from FB and when I got it the oil i s very dark in color. Also scents like dreamsicle or gingerbread. Normally if the oil is not clear I will add a bit of color to it to mask this but I have a customer that wants them in white. Any suggestions will be accepted.


    Karen in MA

  5. Hello everyone,

    I would like to know everyone's opinion on older candles and how long they last. My reason is that I had a show this winter that had poor sales to a snow storm so I was left with some candles already premade. All my online candles are made to order but I carry an inventory of candles for craft fairs and farmers markets and I just replenish as sold. How long do you think I can keep a candle in inventory before it will loose its scent. They are kept in boxes with the lids on and only opened at shows. I guess bottom line how long before the scent starts to fade in an unburned candle. I am using GB 444 if anyone wants to know. Thanks.

    Karen in MA

  6. I just checked out the prices also and way too expensive for me. This is a shame as I am going to miss some of Moonworks scents.

    Good gravy!! Have you seen the prices at Pure Fragrance? I definitely won't be shopping there. Far too expensive for me.


  7. I placed an order for her pre buy a couple weeks ago that also included FO listed as available and in stock. The other day I got a notice that my money was refunded? I have tried emailing Rhonda and sending her a message on fb. This was my first pre buy with her so I'm not sure how it should have worked. I was really looking forward to testing these FO.



  8. rctfavr3 What FO do you prefer if not the Lebermuth one. This hunt for Patch is killing me and I don't even like the scent.


    Lebermuths/Moonworks Patchoulli to me, had more of a Vetiver type smell. Not quite the aroma of earth and leaves, but more like that of raw peanuts. :lipsrseal Would you describe it as that?

    Patch should smell dirty, with a slight camphorous quality. The sample I received smelled more like Hazelnut or Peanut mixed with Dirt. As a patch fan, I didn't enjoy it at all.

  9. Yes it is the Lebermuth which is the same as Moonworks. It is a nice earthy scent just not what I have smelled in the past. I have a few people that are going to test the throw on it for me. I have used the one from The Candle Source, Cajun and Natures Garden.


  10. I have a strange question/observation for you all. I ordered Patchouli from Lebermuth as I have been on the hunt for a customer fro the best Patchouli. I am pouring it today and in wax it does not smell like what I think it should smell like, dirt with a hint of unwashed human. Is it because I have really only smelled poor quality patchouli oil on people? The Lebermuth Patch has an earthy smell but it is not making me gag.


  11. Good day everyone,

    I am looking for an orange lemongrass scent. I ordered from Lebermuth andrwhen I poured it not much orange. I know I can add a bit but I want to get one primed if I can so it is the same with each pour. Is the one at Tri State Lebermuth? I don't want to order some from them if it is the same. If not does anyone have any other recomndtios on who carries it.


  12. Hello all,

    I have a question about packaging soy tarts. I have a bunch of tarts made from extra wax when pouring my candles. I hate packaging them individually and some scents I only have a few of. My question is if I do a grab bag of tarts can I mix the scents? I am unsure if I mix them up will they all start to smell the same? I was thinking that when they melt you won't notice. I obviously would not put a balsam fir and say sugar cookie together but was thinking it would be okay for like scents.


    Karen in MA

  13. Hello all,

    I know part of this question has been asked before and I have read every post about it here, yes I was having withdrawals while the board was down yesterday.

    When doing markets and craft fairs I do an inventory before I go and print and bring the sheets with me. We alphabetize them and sort by jar sizes a page for each size. My problem is someone asks say do you have an 8 oz in this scent I have to go searching the paper. Is there an easier way? How do you all keep track of your inventory at shows? When I sell something I cross it off. I was thinking of a tablet with an excel sheet on it. Does anyone know if you can search the excel sheet for something, I am excel challenged. I was thinking if I had a spread sheet I could search it then either highlight it or delete it so I could keep track of inventory.

    On another note has anyone used soapmaker for just candles?

    Sorry so long,

    Karen in MA

  14. I think I am officially addicted to FO. Just came home to find all kinds of deliveries and so excited. I don't have enough room for what I already have but just opened up huge orders from, Peak, NG, Candle Science and The candle source. I cannot wait to pour the Wild Wild West and Hayride. I am going to have to start sneaking them in hiding them from hubby just like my fabric.

    Karen in MA

  15. Good morning,

    I have been using the 444 forever but just recently have been having issues with frosting. Not a lot but enough to notice on the sides of my jars and the tops of my clamshells look bad. Does anyone know if they changed their wax at all or should I just blame it on a bad case?


    Karen in MA

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