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Everything posted by lindsaycb

  1. grogeous as always! How much does the slice of bundt cake weigh? I have the round cake molds too. Love the waves on them. But couldn't sell a slice for the life of me. Bummer, because I just love the look of a round loaf! And when I'd cut them to a size that looked good, they just so big! I think they make great gifts. Blackberry sage looks very very cool. Great job Z
  2. I have to say that damn soap is so COOL. I love love love lips.
  3. Oh I'm jealous! I love it love it love it! But I'd like to get some additional pieces of the PS that I didn't load up on before. My previous job had licenses too and wanted my home PC to have it. Bummer that I didn't snag all the pieces I could. Web design is where I'd want to go with it all. GET IT GET IT GET IT:yay:
  4. Damn! I just want to spend $100...not $400
  5. oh ditto! This is beautiful Is it gold or silver? I can't really tell. I love the colors.. Dew Drops Spring Dew
  6. Yep! I've had fo's eat through lots of things. I think you'd be better off putting them in plastic jars. But along those lines, why not create a smelly jelly kit in a bag. So when they're ready to put it in the container, it has the directions, premeasured fragrance oil & coloring. Simply stir it up with water!
  7. What we need to find is someone that lives close enough to just stock their stuff for us & ship out cheaper!
  8. Cheaper than stickers...get a stamp made up! www.thestampmaker.com super cheap & fast.
  9. me like sex:yay: And for the life of me...without my glasses on..the feet came out to be penises. SO, I was thinking you were doing some bachelorette favors.
  10. that's funny...they do look jacked up! I think they're pretty...but I'm with you. KEEP VANILLA AWAY
  11. nice candles! Photos aren't too shabby either!
  12. I know I can't lose money if I'm not making money to buy more stuff...but I can use my DH's money to do that. So its still a loss, right? But now if I lose for three years & then some....what's the IRS do..shut me down? That's what I'm getting at more so. People invest in tax write offs all the time, right? So is there a point that the IRS won't look at that write off anymore? If I buy a building, but don't rent it out for three years, so the mortgage, utilities are just wasted...do they come knocking in three years and tell me to sell it? Or give it up?
  13. So if its a hobby...do I even need to do taxes on it? I mean, if I want to lose money for ten years...I should be able to, right? That's what I need clarification on.
  14. I don't open them at all either...but this still irritates the crap out of me.
  15. YES...do wahm. & if you want something already plugged in...you have to try out www.wahmpro.com She has some wonderful templates & sticks them in for you all for $50...its nuts. Kristi is awesome & such a help.
  16. Okay, I'm just getting really freakin' peeved over these damn things. I swear...one or two a day. WTF. :mad: I'm tired of emailing paypal & finding out they're spoofs. COME ON...I need to take my transactions elsewhere.
  17. See now I've seen people do those as actual art pieces to hang on walls...but now on the actual windows! Who needs to put art on they're walls! OH MY...love it. I want you to come & do my back porch
  18. now if it came with a small credit card limit too of let's start off with ...$10k. That'd be what I'm looking for.
  19. I'm confused.... how can you superfat your liquid soap...if you're adding additional lye to it? Doesn't that cancel out the superfattening? I like the idea of Ellens adding more KOH, so how do you guess that number on what to increase it to?
  20. Love them Donita! Great labels too! They actually stick on the candle ...& stay? Do tell!
  21. I want that picture on my Wall!!! Excellent....
  22. Okay Z....I came back just to peek at the loofah
  23. I'm really considering using WSP concentrate & doing the tinkering that way. I'm with you...many want shower gel vs bar soap.
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