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Everything posted by mindy5140

  1. Sorry If I confused you all. But I just bought some M&P soap and I just wanted to know what type of molds do you use for the base of the soap. My nephew doesn't like baths anymore and I thought I would make him a dinosaur soap just like the duckie soap. But just want to know what type of base you guys use. TIA, Mindy
  2. I do the same thing as Freezin, I have tried the label on the container and it looked wrinkley and not professional at all. Good Luck, Mindy
  3. I use soy to but mine are flakes, but I bet if you post this in the soy section you will get more responses. Also what type of wicks are you using, does it have a sticker on the bag to tell you what type of wick it is??? I know when I use hemp wicks, they mushroom like what you are talking about. Also where do you buy your tins, is there anywhere else that maybe you could get a better price on them, so you can profit more than $1.86 per candle. Mindy:)
  4. Well, my mom went hog wild and bought me like 20, 16 oz of her fav FO. So that's what I started out with, and I eventually got rid of half of those because they weren't that good in my wax. But now I have 35 scents but discontinue scents that don't sell well and add on when I have enough people asking for that same scent. I carry 35 scents but I have at least 50 or more FO's in my closet. I'm an FO addict. Mindy
  5. On 1 container I use 1 type of wick but wick up or down with it depending on the FO. But even though you didn't ask this, I use 3 different wicks with the same wax but different containers. Mindy
  6. With some FO's I need to use 1.5 oz in my soy but half the time I only use 1 oz. Like Creme Brulee, Orange Juice Cake, Raspberry Sorbet, and Cucumber Melon I have to use 1.5 oz but all the others I only use the 1 oz. If I didn't you could only smell them when you were right on top of it. Mindy
  7. If your looking for Polyurethane and or Silicone molds you might want to look at http://rosescandles.com they have several different types of molds. I have ordered from them once and they were great, I love the molds. I have also bought from www.flexiblemolds.com to on ebay, the molds that have slight imporfections. I use them all the time. Mindy
  8. I would write a letter to and tell them that you don't feel comfortable selling them container candles that you haven't tested, and explain why you need to test, example: so they wont burn down your house, lol or even though they might smell really good in a tart they might smell different in a container. I'm sure they'll totally understand, and also mention that your sister must of got confused when she told them the information so that your sister doesn't look like a big liar. I would also mention that when you have tested the FO that you will keep them updated, like someone else mentioned get their contact info so you can update them. Mindy
  9. Thanks, I'll try the black cherry that sounds good, maybe I'll get a sample of that cherry coca cola and try it in my wax. Thanks, Mindy
  10. My friend is a total drink candle addict, lol. She loves the coca cola from NG and she loves the Root beer FO to. So now she requested cherry coca cola her favorite drink, and I need a true cherry to mix with the coca cola. Does NG have a true cherry FO?? I've had requests for cherry scented candles but was hesitant, because the smell gags me but since her request I guess I have to at least try to make it for my friend. TIA, Mindy
  11. Mines scented Caramel, my mother paid $18 dollars for it at our local craft store. Mine is almost gone, I wish I had a camera to show you but mine has actually burnt all the way down, not perfectly though it left a little hang up. I also think it sounds like a fireplace when lit, wonderful cold and hot throw. I think it's a neat idea but a phase. Mindy
  12. I know dollar stores have them, maybe you can see if yours does. Mindy
  13. I'm going to try and fill my orders that I have. Some of my FO's are making me very nauseated. And I'll also be pouring and testing new wax, yay, lol. Mindy
  14. I hate working with slabs, so is there a flake soy blend??? Mindy
  15. Well IMHO, I think it's up to the person. But do at least let it cure for 24 hrs. before testing it. This is what I do, I make two exact candles, FO, wax, wick everything. Let one cure for 24 hours and let the other one cure for a week. I got two totally different results when testing both. I choose the one that has the best cold throw and hot throw and it differs for each FO. Mindy
  16. Thanks, I think I'll go through the search area and find what the best blend or what others are mainly using and test test test again, lol. Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it, Mindy
  17. I have had at least 10 people ask me to make them basically a soy blend candle because they don't like the natural look of soy. They rather have a nice creamy looking candle. Which I probably could just switch soys and get a creamier look but since I have non stopped tested my soy I'm already using. And finally am at a point to where I like it. I'm hesitant to switch or add on, because I wanted to get into B&B. I'm stuck, should I just say the heck with it and try out different blends or go with B&B, I could do both but my time and $$, is limited to one for right now. So anywho, is it worth it to have both types of wax??? TIA, Mindy
  18. Thanks CandleMan, I didn't know that. This is so all new to me. Mindy
  19. Thank You, now all I have to do is buy some stuff so I can make some for my lady (client). Poor thing is hurting all over and Icy Hot just isn't doing the trick anymore. Mindy
  20. I use hemp, CD, and HTP wicks in my soy depending on container and FO I'm using. Mindy
  21. I use soy wax and have to put them in the fridge to get them out of the mold to. I usually wait till the next day to bag them. Mindy
  22. Thank You, I was looking up the wrong thing, lol. I was looking up muscle rub. I didn't think to look up tiger balm. Thanks again, Mindy
  23. Would anybody like to share an easy recipe for muscle rub?? I'm trying to make stuff that I can test on my lady, we use Icy Hot alot but we can't put it on her feet because it burns. So I was thinking maybe a muscle rub that can be put on her lower back, shoulders, calves, knees and feet. TIA, Mindy
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