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Everything posted by Crafty1

  1. i do somewhat the same measurements, maybe a little less or more depending on the FO's strength.
  2. some of my soaps have ash as well, i do one of two things, i either keep the ash depending on the appearnce (sometimes it looks nice) or i shed the ash off with a potato peeler or cheese slicer. i always cover my soap (CPOP), but still get ashe sometimes. HTH
  3. i am sorry, but i have never used a water-based FO before. hopefully someone else will be able to shed some light for us.
  4. they are absolutely beautiful
  5. very nice work. i love all of them
  6. ooh! they are lovely! great job. I know what I am going to be doing with my ice cream containers from here on out.
  7. this is a great item. thanks for sharing.
  8. i posted this in the b&b section, but later thought that it is possibly best suited here. has anyone ordered from them or no of someone who has? how was the service and the quality of the item(s)? if i am not mistaken, i belive i read somewhere that you have to be careful when using their containers just want to make sure i have the right company before i place an order. TIA
  9. has anyone ordered from them or no of someone who has? how was the service and the quality of the item(s)? if i am not mistaken, i belive i read somewhere that you have to be careful when using their containers just want to make sure i have the right company before i place an order. TIA
  10. i have used soyben oil in my soaps.
  11. i use a medium grain salt. and i use an 8 oz jar
  12. yes please post your experience. i am shopping around for one, plan to make a purchase this week. i can't wait to get mine.
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