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Everything posted by Crafty1

  1. for me, i normally only add the fragrance to the base, however, i have heard that others have added additional ingredients such as shea butter to theirs. i am no expert, so someone else please chime in. i would really like to know as well
  2. not sure how savvy you are with word, but i have seen some really nice ones displayed and the people have used Word
  3. i would include pic, description, a little about your candles, how they burn, how long the last approximately. that is about all i can think of right now. when more comes to me. i will post it. try candlecauldron.com
  4. me too. maybe i am being too hard on myself in this area. but i do know that many people buy things only because of the presentation of it not because of the content. ask me how i know....i am one of those people. i am aiming for a look that would look nice on any shelf, not too upscale, not too cheesy, but just right. am i making any sense here...lol
  5. thank you thank you thank you. i have been looking at color laser printers, but wanted to make sure i wanted to make the investment. since beth has raved so much about her experience with lasers, i think i might start really combing the printer industry for the right one for my needs. thank you so much beth.
  6. i currently own an inkjet printer and to me my colors are not as vivid as i would like. does anyone own a laser? if so, how have your results been? i mean is it worth the investment?
  7. thank you. i am certainly pacakaging challenged.
  8. yep! any receipe will work well.
  9. i too add shea to my soap recipes that i want to be creamy.
  10. thanks for letting us know. i can now add them to my list for this product.
  11. do you have to use a lot of the sweet pea to overpower the natural smell of shea? i don't blame you about special request. it is time consuming and costly.
  12. r u looking for a base or recipe?
  13. Crafty1

    OMH Soap

    not Jennifer, but I have seen it in my local health food store, which is Whole Foods
  14. Crafty1

    OMH Soap

    i too make a OMH soap, with goat's milk, liquid honey, and oatmeal, however, i do add the OMH FO to mine. i like how you make your's mountainmadness w/o the FO and with powdered honey. I am going to give it a whirl tonight. This might save me from having to order the OMH FO b/c i only use it for the soap.
  15. i keep hearing rave reviews about this stuff. off to pm carmen
  16. i am no expert here, but i wonder if you put just a little oil or some sort of releaser in each side, if that would help. again no expert.
  17. i too use the aluminum bottles and love it.
  18. i prefer mine whipped too. i have used coconut to scent mine as well as lavendar and they both held up well.
  19. thanks for the replies. i had seen this discussion on another board and just thought i would throw the question out to get a feel of you guys feel. again thanks for the replies
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