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Ruined 8# of wax?

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So I thought I would get ahead of my game and get my wax melting while I place a few orders for some new oils..not a good idea! I got so involved in ordering some new Christmas oils I forgot about my full pot of wax. It was 210 degrees. I've never did that before. Could it be used or do I just need to throw it out? Ugh!! :angry2:


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Was it soy or paraffin?

If its paraffin I'd go ahead and try making a candle. Mine has gotten out of hand a time or two and didn't seem to affect the candles.

If its soy...maybe someone who works with it more can chime in. I have heard it should not get above a certain temp but unsure if it would break down the soy to where it wouldn't work again.

ETA: Isn't it just amazing how ordering new FOs can cause us to be totally oblivious to anything else?!...lol.

Edited by jeanie353
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Duh! Sorry, it's soy. You are so right sister! I was just gonna place a quick 10 minute order..um really? I should of so knowm myself better than that! What in the world was I thinking?

I've forgotten to get my kids from school for pete's sake, I'm actually surprised it has taken me 7 years to do!

Edited by samandkennasmom
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OUCH sweetie , I had you did that but, I gotta laugh....... I really HAVE ruined a PP full of wax. Somehow I had bumped the dial and that sucker went up to 250 and I tried to use it, so I made some melts to see how it behaved with four different scents.. Known "throwers" ............

Let's just say that was a TOTAL waste of FO and time. It wouldn't throw a single molecule of scent LOL . Oh well, live and learn !

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If it was paraffin and did not have fragrance in it, you should be able to use it without a problem. for a few candles I make, I have to bring the wax with fo already in it to slightly above 200 for a short time.

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