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For those who don't know:

TEOTWAWKI means "The End of the World as We Know It", you know, like the REM song.

Well, his tutorial is better than others I've seen, however not centering the wick is going to have issues. AND it just floats my boat to see yet ANOTHER person talking about "wicks" as if there is one out there to choose from. Time and time again, online and in print wicks are written about like there are three sizes to choose from. Simply pick small, medium or large and that's all you need to know. No where does he/she state what KIND and what SIZE of wick. Ggrrrr. :angry2:

And then, the real kicker is in the replys, I absolutely L*O*V*E the one about using 100% crayons as a source of F*R*E*E wax. But WAIT, there's more!!!! All you really need is some cotton "string" soaked in a salt and borax solution.

Gee Ladies and Gents!! I guess we are ALL wasting our time and money!!!!! Just head on down to Michaels and pick up some cotton string and then stop off at the market and pick up some salt and borax. That's all you need. DDdduuuhhhhhhh!!:rolleyes2

OMG!!! I am sooo totally rolling around on the floor laughing.

People can be so funny, yet so sad at the same time.


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I've seen these canning jar survival candles making the rounds on the survival/homesteading pages lately. They never say what wick size to use, just to buy some wicks on eBay or Etsy, and they say things like the canning jars are so strong you don't need to worry about them breaking. Crazy!

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