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Paper towels, lot of them. If I have something that needs more I will turn it upsidedown on a sheet pan on newspaper in the oven on 170*F for a half hour or so, then remove and paper towels.

I use some things for wax that I clean with boiling water. When I have all the containers ready to clean I heat up a big pot of water and take everything outside and pour water into the containers to melt the wax and dump in the grass, then wipe with paper towels.

NOTHING goes near my sink or pipes. I have a septic system and I really don't want to think what that issue would cost!!

Grandma always said, take care of your roof and your septic. Your roof keeps it off your head, your septic keeps it off your feet!!

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Don't use the dishwasher for re-purposed containers either. I use a heat gun and pour any residual wax into my little garbage can lined with a wally world bag and toss it in the garbage. Some people save the left overs and make dipped pine cones or fire starters. HTH


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