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I poured one firestarter to see how it would go. I put sawdust in a dixie cup and added wax at about 160-170 and mixed them together. The wax seemed to leak through to the outside of the cup. How do you all make your firestarters and what do you think happened to mine????

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I make two sizes, normal and ex large.. I use pet bedding ( cedar chips .. 5 bucks at walmart and you wont use a whole bag lol ) and muffin tins. I just get my wax hot enough to be liquid then I pour, using all scrap wax and wax melt wax that I burn ( I'm always burning four or five a day and they add up fast )

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Take into consideration I lived in the Smoky's and had tourists coming in for hiking and camping, the extra large ones ( they are massive ) were $2.50 each but I'd gotten it "down " to where they would last, consistantly, 25 minutes. The smaller ones told for 1.50. I honestly don't have a clue what anyone else sells them for.

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  • 1 year later...

Darn, I wish I'd read this before I bought some potpourri from the dollar store the other day to use in firestarters. Will that work as well as the pet bedding? I used some of the potpourri, a bit of lint collected from my dryer, and I stuck some short wicks in it while the wax was cooling. Now I understand from reading the past few minutes that the wicks weren't necessary because the muffin paper would've been fine to light, but I had too-short wicks to get rid of anyway. I just made my first one and will try it out tonight before I make more to give to a friend.

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you can sprinkle some of that dollar store potpourri on top but the shredded hampster bedding is best in the cup. (or saw dust if you can sweep it up) I save all my short scraps of wick and stick 2 in each one. I just find it easier than trying to get the paper pulled out and lit.

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Yeah, you're getting to anal here. Take a dixi cup and fill it 2/3 with either sawdust or hamster wood from a pet store (really cheap) and pour wax. Temp is irrelevant. Too hot and you you melt the wax on the cup and leak. Too cool and nobody cares as long as it pours.

This is a lighter science. wood, leftover wax, easy instructions to the buyer .... Dear buyer, remember that this will burn and will light stuff on fire, use responsibly. To start a fireplace fire, place one under the wood, light the rim of the cup, enjoy a fine evening.

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I use cupcake wrappers, cedar seeds, a large pinecone and two wicks.

Is there a certain size wick that will work better than another. When my daughter thought she was going to make candles she purchased a lot of supplies and found she hated making candles (lol, tried to tell her before she bought everything) so now I have 25 lbs of soy wax waiting to be used. I made a few firestarters, just for her, last year and they seem okay but maybe I can improve them. I did put in 2 wicks but just used any that were in her box. Thanks

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Oh, I just saw something. Be careful about potpourrie. I understand that can be toxic to cats.

I quit using wicks because a long nose lighter will get the rim going and it takes off from there. But if I were to use wicks, they would be scraps. The whole thing about firestarters is to find a way of making your scrap stuff useful.

And as for price, The cup and wood I have to buy but they are pennies. The wax is scrap, but hey, it still costs $25/slab these days so I figure it costs about $0.10 to make a firestarter. A 2/3 dixi cup will burn for 6-10 minutes. A full cup will burn for about 20 if done right. 10 minutes is usually enough to get a log fire started unless the wood is moist or hardwood that doesn't want to cooperate. So if I make a dozen of the starters that are around 6-10 minutes and I get $5 for the bag, I'm happy.

I don't look at firestarters as a business that will feed my retirement account. I look at it as a way to "recycle" sorta, and recoup my costs and make a little to take care of my time.

Georgia, I never wondered about the dollar bills in my wallet, but I have seen some that had a crease in them longways. Is that the same thing?

Edited by EricofAZ
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