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Ecosoya CBA is a beautiful soy container wax that makes awesome looking candles w/o much work...however, with the beauty comes the beast. It is a very finicky wax when it comes to ht...I started with this wax and it spoiled me on its aesthetic qualities but ht just wasnt up to my expectations. Then moved on to GB 464...much better ct/ht with wider range of fo's, had I stayed with it (pita to wick) I would not have used dye because of frosting issues. I have since moved on and love the veggie wax I use now, but I was determined to make this one work lol...hth

If you want to try Ecosoya...try the Excel, some have said this wax has better ht but still looks great.

Edited by lmc
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Wow!! I thought that it was me with the Eco not having a very good HT. I have tried FO from CS that have a three leaf for soy rating, and still not as strong as I would like. Everything else is GREAT, aesthetic, wick burn, melt pool (full after 3 hrs), pool depth (1/2 inch deep after 3 hrs), burn time per ounce(5 hrs) not 10 like some advertise. It is the HT that has me hung up, I am using a 9% L and it's very very lite in a average size room.

I would like to hear others reviews.

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If you are new to making soy candles then I would not waste more time with CB-A and starting thinking about another wax. If you want to stick with a veggie wax then there are some choices to make. All waxes have a learning curve whether it's paraffin, parasoy, or soy (veggie). Some good choices were mentioned here but none of the ones I have tried are perfect right out of the bag. Some will need additives, C3 does, and some will need careful heating, cooling, and pouring procedure like 415. The decision sometimes comes down to what the closest supplier has as shipping costs are a big factor these days.

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