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I'm Going CRAZY...


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I've been on every suppliers site (not really, but it seems that way), checking out new fragrances to soap. I'm restocking some of our current oils, but would really like to find some new ones. I know there was a thread on favorite oils in cp/hp....I think I've keyed in every possible combination in the search engine. Again...these would be fo/eo for soaping, not putting in wax. Can any one take my by the hand and lead the way? :confused: (Oh, I've checked out Scents that Rock in CP, but one of the suppliers I'm looking at is AH and they aren't on there...am I over looking it somewhere)

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there are many great scents out there. Make sure that they are body safe. Brambleberry has tested all of their fragrances in soap. Oregon Trails does the same. They both have a lot of info on their sites. They both have fragrance oils and essential oils.

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Thanks josie1091 for your input....I continued to search the board for what I was looking for and finally ran across some posts that helped. I knew there had been some suggestions that had not been put into the "Scents that Rock in CP" section. So I went back and forth between the suppliers reviews and the board. And yeah, it's always important to make sure they are b&b safe....that's why I freaked out when CS changed their Honeysuckle Jasmine to Candles only :( (along with a few others)

And I wish Brambleberry and OT were closer...we're clear on the southeast coast and shipping would be crazy. Thanks again

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Awesome Candybee...I haven't ordered anything from Moonworks or Southern Soapers yet. I'm gonna go check out their sites again. And Beezy...I'm getting ready to restock Little Black Dress...and a few others from AH/RE, so I'm going to order in some Sea Kelp. Thank you both

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Have you tried any scents from MMS? I love, love their Coconut Milk and Apricot Freezia in lotion. They have quite a selection of different scents, and they offer a 7 sampler set for just the price of the 1 oz size and free shipping. HTH! Good luck!!

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Oh Beezy....going to hurt you now! haha

LOL, I hope they sent you a sample of it with the AH/RE order you just placed... I already added it to my list for my next order. (i'm just getting into making soaps.. and it's seriously one scent I would never get sick of)

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