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Creative Storage Ideas.. need your help


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Hi there,

Ok, this will be long so here goes...

I am looking for some creative & cute ideas for storing my tarts. Currently I make tarts in the square silicone molds and then store each scent in an individual glass container w/lid. These are for personal use, gifts, etc. I make small batches of each scent (usually about 1/2 lb each) so the small glass containers that I am using only needs to hold about 14 tarts or so. The space that I have available to store the glass containers is seen in the picture. Since I do not do this as a business I do not have a hobby room or space dedicated for this crazy hobby of mine, and this shelving unit is in the front room so I want it to look nice. I want to get rid of the 50 glass containers (tired of the smudging, etc) and replace the glass containers with 4 nice decorative baskets that will sit on the shelves. But, I would need to find another way to store the loose tarts. This is where you all come in.... I figure that I can fit about 4 baskets on the shelving unit (2 baskets per shelf, each basket could probably be about 12x12x12). I typically have about 50+ scents made at any given time so I need to come up with something that I can put the different scents into and that would fit nicely in the 4 baskets on the shelves (and that wouldnt leach the scent over long periods of time). I dont really want to convert to clamshells or souffle cups/lids. So far the only ideas I have come up with are to keep each scent in a large polypro bag with a cute tie & label and then fit a good amount of bags in each baskets. I also thought about keeping each scent in a small square plastic tupperware (#5) but considering I would need about 50 tupperware/containers, I am not sure that I could make those fit in the 4 baskets very well. Any other ideas or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!post-12144-139458499316_thumb.jpg

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I am brand new at this and also just make for myself. No one in my real life is a melter (weirdos) so I have no one with whom to share.

I just LOVE the look of your apothecary jars! Right now all I am skilled enough to do is make scent brittle so big cello bags full stored in plastic in a candle cabinet in a guest room is all I have. I'd not want out on display but yours is neatly done and pretty!

I'll be eager to hear suggestions you receive from others.

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Well, anything clear is going to smudge so if you really want to get away from the smudges, how about buying a few dozen 16 ounce tins and storing your tarts in those? They would fit in your baskets and you could even decorate them with Mod Podge and scrapbooking paper to make them pretty so you could leave a few in plain view.

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I like the look of the jars- you could clean them up and paint the outside like I have seen on pintrest in colors to make the look antique like the blue or green- that would help some in seeing the smudges..... or you could line the inside with tissue or fabrics

I like the tin idea to- although I wouldnt use baskets with them- just stack up different tins

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Why not frost the outside of the jars? (If you can't find anything to work with the baskets)

You can also dress up the jars putting ribbons and decorations on the jars if you want them to look nicer. Or....find baskets that will hold your jars.

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