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Question about adding FO to tarts. Had one FO do something different than the rest!


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Granted, I have now only made 5 batches of my scent brittle. This is my first step into the wax making world.

With the first 4 (I followed the same temps, amounts, recipe, wax for all) the scent went in and blended beautifully. With my last one when it went in, it was like it "set up" in the bottom of the pan and I had to stir and stir to incorporate.

Is this just a by-product of heavier vs. lighter oils or some that prefer to be introduced at a lower or higher temp? Or should I warm all my FO's before adding to avoid this?

I know from reading and reading posts here that I should keep a spreadsheet of oil results, nuances, etc. but wondered if you could spot my newbie error and correct me right away.


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Since I am making it only for self use, I opted for something simple-wax brittle. Found a lesson on it on RE's crafting library.

I followed the directions there the same each time.

I used Ky 133 Versatile Paraffin Wax Blend, heated to 175, stirred in oil for 2 minutes and until wax cooled to 150-155 and then poured onto a cookie sheet.

Also, because I am not a professional, I just bought a double boiler for my regular stainless cookware and used that.

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Ok, I've not used that one, but.. in MY experience, I have some vanilla fo's that are a lot more difficult to fully incorp in the wax. They seem to be "heavier" . Im sure since there are a lot here that use AH/RE and Im sure they have worked with that particular fo, they can help you more. Sorry , wish I could.

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No, you have helped! I likely discovered then my first heavier oil and let's be honest. I used WAY too much!

So, I learned 2 things!

I am actually having fun. I think next I will try the wax you suggested. Seems that I can get it at Candle Science and also at Lone Star Supply. You have to know that the granulated one I used which is like sand was SUPER simple to use! I just have to buy from places that will sell to individuals. I am in Marketing and Advertising for a giant corporation (for the last 26 years) but do not and will not be getting a tax number for myself.

I appreciate your patience and help very much, ladies!!

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well, I love my wax, and a lot of people do too, but I will say this, there seems to be quite a few other waxes out there, that work great for different people in different parts of the US. ( trust me, it does make a difference lol) It says you are in the midwest, well yes, Candle Science ( near me in NC ) and Lonestar ( Tx) carry that wax, but most major supplier do carry that wax. What state are you in ? I know that BitterCreek North is in Wis. and there are a couple more suppliers that are reputable that might be a lot closer to you ( hence cheaper shipping ). So... where are ya at ? LOL We'll do whatever we can to help you get your feet wet and try to help you save some money. This, even as a hobby , can get addictive ( read EXPENSIVE ) in a fast hurry ! You'll be amazed at the level of talent on this message board, so ask your questions, we were there once too and trust me, you'll see all of us asking questions all the time.. we're always running across something that went wonky for some reason, or to get suggestions, tips, tricks, recommendations, etc.

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I live in Kansas City, MO

Since I am just doing this for myself, I'd prefer to buy wax and FO from just one place. I know that all of you probably work with multiple suppliers to meet all of your needs for actual businesses but for an individual that would seem unnecessary.

Yes, I loaded a cart with a 10 pound slab of the wax you mentioned and just a few fragrances and it was $14 just in shipping!

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I use AH/RE Birthday Cake (one of my best sellers) and it is very heavy.... trick for me has been heat - it doesn't incorporate well for me unless mixed at a high temp - I get my wax at about 185 - 190 and then depending on how big a batch may need to preheat the FO too. Kinda a pain, but totally worth it - as it throws like crazy good if you get it right!!

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Thank you! That is great information to have. I now have a bunch of brittle in that scent now but if I reorder I will try these tips. Since I am just using it for myself, I have a bunch of melting to do! It has an amazing smell. SUPER rich!

Happy to see you a state over from me! Anyplace have better shipping rates for those of us in the middle of the country?

I have a cart going at Lone Star and I was VERY impressed with AH/RE.

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Anyplace have better shipping rates for those of us in the middle of the country?.

Shipping just plain hurts - from anywhere. That said - don't forget Peak - they are in Colorado, plus they regularly have specials with 25% off shipping. I suggest signing up for emails from them. Plus, their oils and cust svc are great. NG gives a discount on regular UPS Ground (they are in OH). You'll quickly learn to make the most of your orders due to the dreaded shipping costs. :laugh2:

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I use AH/RE Birthday Cake (one of my best sellers) and it is very heavy.... trick for me has been heat - it doesn't incorporate well for me unless mixed at a high temp - I get my wax at about 185 - 190 and then depending on how big a batch may need to preheat the FO too. Kinda a pain, but totally worth it - as it throws like crazy good if you get it right!!

I agree with the heat. I've come across a few fragrances (like candy corn) thatsettle to the bottom of the pour pot in little droplets. No amount of stirring gets it to play nice. Apply a bit of heat and it falls into line.

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