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You know you play with soap too much when

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(It's either that or I'm a horrible mother). I'm working on soaps again this week. My daughter comes up to me, she's got a weird dirty spot on her arm that looks orangish. I made the poor child cry because the first thing I said was "Oh, crap. Dreaded Orange Spots!" :laugh2:

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I look at everything in the stores when shopping to see if I can use it for soapmaking; molds, utensils, bowls, gadgets, etc. My mind just wanders and plays the "I can use this for soapmaking" game when I shop. I sometimes get so distracted I forget what I came in the store for!

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I look at everything in the stores when shopping to see if I can use it for soapmaking; molds, utensils, bowls, gadgets, etc. My mind just wanders and plays the "I can use this for soapmaking" game when I shop. I sometimes get so distracted I forget what I came in the store for!

You and me both, Candybee! I have a hard time with going into hardware stores for the same reason. But I do it for both candles and soaps. Amazing the stuff you find that can be used for either one. :D

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I look at everything in the stores when shopping to see if I can use it for soapmaking; molds, utensils, bowls, gadgets, etc. My mind just wanders and plays the "I can use this for soapmaking" game when I shop. I sometimes get so distracted I forget what I came in the store for!

I resemble that remark!

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