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Natural Vanilla Bean


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I was at the health food store today and saw Natural vanilla bean, my mind began to race with the question how can I use this in my Melt and Pour...after searching with no results can someone help me? can I use this in M&P? If so how? I did disect one of the pods to see what was on the inside. it smells really good ...any help would be appreciated

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Don't know, never tried it in soap. Put one in a bottle of mineral oil several years ago and it never did give off any smell. I know if you put a whole bean in Vodka for months it's used for cooking. Maybe simmer in and then let sit, an oil you would use for soap making, then add that to your M&P. Vanilla beans are expensive and I think it would take a lot to give off a nice scent. JMO

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You cut the vanilla pod lengthwise down the middle. Then use the blunt edge of your knife to run it across the open side of the pod to scrap out the vanilla seeds. Its like dry goo. You can drop this seed goo into your melted base but make sure you stir it well to incorporate and seperate the seeds. I haven't done it myself but I have seen it done. The vanilla seeds will give your soap a nice texture-- not sure if you will actually get the vanilla scent.

If you try it let us know how it worked out for you.

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Good luck on your show!

MMS has Ground Vanilla Bean Fiber in their botanicals section. I noticed it the other day and it said that it works very well in soaps and lotions, ect. So if nothing else, you might ask them how to go about using something like that.

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Good luck on your show! 

MMS has Ground Vanilla Bean Fiber in their botanicals section. I noticed it the other day and it said that it works very well in soaps and lotions, ect. So if nothing else, you might ask them how to go about using something like that.

I have this stuff and there is absolutely no smell. I guess it is used just for the exfoliating value. I was hoping for smell too.

Edited by Sharon in KY
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[ATTACH=CONFIG]24191[/ATTACH]I use Tahitian and Bourbon vanilla bean seeds in a couple different m&p types. The seeds do add some scent to the soap.

These bars are Vanilla Voodoo Goat's Milk with Tahitian Vanilla bean seeds.

But the beans don't give it a lot of smell, you use a FO, don't you?

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Hi, Sharon...no, I haven't tried vanilla stabilizer yet; I just let this bar do its thing. It darkened a bit, but it is not unappealing at all, and I actually got more discoloration from OMH than from the VV, which I thought was odd. Do you have a stabilizer you recommend? I'm also curious about UV inhibitor...I bought some for soaps but haven't tried it yet.

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