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Percentages/Scale Issues


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I just got linen/fragrance base from RE/AH. It says to use 2% fragrance oil. I bought 2oz bottles to try this out. The only problem is: 2% of 2 oz is .04 and my scale only displays in 0.0 format. I tried switching it to grams or ml but I still had the same issue. The lowest amount of fragrance oil I could do on this scale is 5%. Why can't you use more than 2%? What would happen if I used 5%?

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Is it supposed to be 2% of what is in the bottle? Or 2% per pound of wax? I'm new here so I know next to nothing about candles. But I'm a soaper and those instructions would mean 2% of FO per pound of oil if I were making soap so I was sort of thinking it would be per pound of wax for candles.

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When working with really small amounts, the measurements become tricky - and more important.

If the manufacturer instructs to use a max of 2%, then it's to your benefit to do so. The base may become unstable or cloudy at higher rates. Also read the safe usage rates for the FO themselves, since some have much tighter usage rates than others.

Your scale probably won't even register the first couple of grams until it's too late. There are some pretty accurate pocket grams scales available for the $12 range. Check out ebay or TKB trading for some bargains. I have one and have found it hella accurate at even counting grains.

That said, for 2% of 2 oz is about 1.13 grams. Scales are not generally accurate at the lowest end of the measurement spectrum. A less scientific method for this particular experiment would be to count drops. Generally speaking, depending on the specific gravity/viscosity of your fragrance, you can count between 15-20 drops per gram.

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I believe it 2% of the wax weight: 1lb or 16 oz times 2% is 0.32 oz. Is pretty hard to measure

I would make a batch using 3 lb which would need 1 oz of FO

The OP is using a fragrance spray base, not wax.

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I believe it 2% of the wax weight: 1lb or 16 oz times 2% is 0.32 oz. Is pretty hard to measure

I would make a batch using 3 lb which would need 1 oz of FO

Definately not indicating 2% of wax weight.......1 oz. per 3 lbs. of wax will not give you much of a scent throw at all. For most waxes/candles you'll need at least 1 oz./lb or roughly 6%. Using 2% in a B & B product sounds more like it.

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