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Moral Dilemma : Please help me understand this !!!

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Christians DO provide charity, by the bucket loads. Goodness, there are tons of faith-based charities, for everything from feeding children to adoption to helping with health care. My guess is you don't know about them because you haven't looked or asked your religious leaders.

Your dilemna is a business decision.

Oh, and btw, moveon is George Soros. In case you didn't know.

Edited by SliverOfWax
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Ok, first.. I just saw the news break about them reversing their decision.

Second, before I get to number 3, I need to say this, and make sure all of you know it... I THANK YOU ALL for all the support, opinions and the helping me figure out what to do. It means more to me than yall can ever know and you guys helped me through a really emotional time last night.

Now.. and I hate to say the Third one because I truly dont want anyone mad at me but ...

I've had people say "it's a business decision " and I've had others say "it's a moral decision".

For me ? It's BOTH ! . I WANT to be as ethical as I can and still have a successful business. It means the world to me to support myself and my family, and sell fantastic products that people love and keep coming back for more. Rarely do I let business cross into my personal feelings, but this time, I couldn't help it due to what all I've been through with all three of those organizations.

I hope I dont make anyone mad, but please understand , this wasn't just a business decision to me. There's no way , for ME, that it could be just about business. Every one is different.

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so Christians either need to start providing those same services, or STFU. (Pardon my French).

Or take all the children that are neglected, abused, etc. into their homes & give them every single thing they need & deserve.

Exactly! Are they helping the kids in low income communities? or are they buying Coach handbags to carry to church?

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Christians DO provide charity, by the bucket loads. Goodness, there are tons of faith-based charities, for everything from feeding children to adoption to helping with health care. My guess is you don't know about them because you haven't looked or asked your religious leaders.

Your dilemna is a business decision.

Oh, and btw, moveon is George Soros. In case you didn't know.

I know about Christian charities, and about what goes on behind the scenes in churches, because I've been a devout Christian for decades and in ministry for 6 years. Christian charities exist, but the percentage of Christian money that trickles into the hands of the needy is minute compared to what Christians spend on other things. Thanks.

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Just thought I'd let yall know, I have a few things done for the Relay for Life committee. Did some funky and some classy TPs in different shades of purple, some with rhinestones, some with just ribbons, some metallic ribbons, etc... Now to run get some VS for soap and get that done sometime this weekend if Im lucky. I really need that stuff cause I just dont thing weird colored soap is going to go over too well ! LOL

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I'm glad to hear that your dilemma became easier. I just wanted to let you know that I don't associate the two organizations as being combined. The PP we had in our town provided free screenings, pregnancy testing, counseling, and help for young mothers. We had an abortion clinic also in town (that recently closed after 40 years because of all the controversy) so I think that might be the reason the PP didn't do much in that way. But, I applaud you for putting morals into your decision making. There isn't much of that in this world anymore. There's more emphasis on the almighty dollar than there is morality. Although I would have told you to go for it, I again applaud you for thinking with your heart before your (hopefully MUCH larger) bank account for this one!

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It's not what they personally make or claim as their income. It's the luxuries they surround themselves with that are written off as expenses. Of course there are charities that are honest, then there are ones that are using religion as a money making opportunity. Each of us believes differently. The thread has gone off topic & is on its way into another battle. Can we agree that we all believe differently & not have a spat?

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