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Ugggh!! Too much oil in my soap!


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Is it soaping oil, fragrance oil or seeping lye? Does it zap? Are you certain you reached trace?

If your scale was 'off' wouldn't the proportions of what was 'off' be consistent throughout the batch? If it doesn't zap, I'd be inclined to let it sit for a few days to see if any surface moisture is re-absorbed.

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I was using a new pot and zeroing it out and I think my scale cant handle the amount I was weighing as the batch I did the next day, the scale was totally off and I had to weigh the oil separately and then add to the pot. It is definitely soaping oil. I think it was too much olive oil. The oil covers all the cut bars of soap.

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Do you know the amounts that your batch was 'off' by? Can you recreate the scenario using the same pots, then do the math using another measuring vessel? If you think you can somewhat accurately recreate the measurements I can help you make the calculations for a rebatch.

Without knowing exactly how much you were off how can you rebatch without then becoming potentially lye heavy in an effort to reverse the mistake?

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Not too sure how much extra olive oil was added. Some of it seems to have soaked back in. I will see what happens after a few days. I am going to say maybe an extra 7 oz of olive oil. I am only guessing with my calculations from the next batch I did and caught that the scale was off.

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