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Knock you on your Grass FO


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I had a customer today looking for, and I quote, "Knock you on your Grass" FO.

They described it as smelling like a cut lawn. Is this an actual FO? I like the name!

I've tried a few "fresh cut grass" fragrance oils, but non that were intensely grassy.

I offered her a sample vial of FCG from Natures Garden and both of us agreed it was more "fresh", then freshly cut grass.

Have any of you found an almost sickly intense grass FO. I'm pretty sure thats what she's looking for.

I thought about Meadow from CS, but It's not really a single scent. I'd be interested in hearing from you all.

Is something like this even available? FOfinder shows a few options...have you tried any?

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Thanks CandyBee.

Another Fillmore endorsement for their Fresh grass FO, must be a sign! I got another great review via PM. Glad to know it's a good scent.

Will be trying it real soon. Thanks. Oh, have you tried their English Ivy? Sounds interesting too!

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My fav fresh grass FO is Fillmore Containers. Also tried Peaks and its pretty good too but more sweet than I like while Fillmore's is more earthy like dirt and grass and smells like a fresh mowed lawn with dirt thrown in.

Do you use soy in this FO? If so how does it throw in you experience?

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Do you use soy in this FO? If so how does it throw in you experience?

I use palm. If it helps Fillmore tests all their scents in C3 before they sell them. I have only had one FO that didn't throw well for me and that was the Amish Bread.

But I have used many of their FOs in CB135 before I switched to palm.

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I do use CSN wicks.

Any reviews on the English Ivy yet? I know-- I'm not being very patient. Always on the lookout for a fresh, clean, green, type scent.

Got them today, so will have a review soon. I can tell you that the EI is amazing in the bottle.

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A review of Filmore's Fresh Grass and English Ivy

Fresh Grass - green. A grassy scent, with a touch of dirt, and subtle warmth. Love it in the bottle. A great one note scent.

Not quite "true" grass, but the best I've sampled yet. Good. ***

English Ivy - Herbal, Green, earthy. A very good FO with strong waxy herbal nuances. I smell: thyme, clover, grass, cucumber, ivy, and maybe even oakmoss.

Smells very fresh, without any floral characteristics. Very Green and Earthy. Dry down is a pleasant dirty-cucumber smell. No musks at all. Great. ****

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