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Etsy vs. Your own web site??? any input


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I don't sell my candles yet but imo Etsy is saturated with candles,tarts,and bath and body products,so I would think that would be a disadvantage.I think I would prefer my own website because you can send people directly there.The downside of that I think would be for folks who are just in the market for your type of products and if they google it, what are the chances of them sifting through everything that comes up to find your website.But,with your own website,it is of your design and you can feature everything you are selling and it seems more professional to me than an Etsy page.I think a lot of people probably even have both.The more places your products are,out there,the better right?!Just my opinion!

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I sell my non-candle related products on Etsy. Just started ~2 months ago

Etsy thoughts:

Sales outpace my own website sales by 3/1

Easy to add products

Decent fees

Huge traffic

competitive, but work on your descriptions, tags, etc.

Own website

You can have your own url/site

You can work on SEO to drive traffic.

Can be expensive to develop

Many options for shopping cart software

Both take ALOT of work. You can't just throw products up on either and expect sales to roll in, you have to work on these sites' product descriptions, tags, SEO, social networking, off-line networking, etc. etc. etc.

Edited by Bottlecrafters
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I have my own site, an Etsy shop and I have a shop on Facebook. I haven't gotten much from any of them, most of my sales are non-internet sales. I have the website as a reference and information because I have the website on my business cards and most people ask if I have one. I would prefer a shopping cart on my website, but for now, Etsy will have to do or they can email me. I don't have the link to the Etsy shop on my business cards or on my website, so they would have to browse or search Etsy to find my shop. I haven't really focused on internet sales, but more on craft shows, wholesale and consignment sales.

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I have all three, my own website, an etsy and facebook. I do well on facebook and on the other sites. I am weaning off of etsy. The fee's are too much.

My website is enough to deal with. It's a lot of work. I hate being on the computer. I'm very active so I do you tube and internet things in the evenings. Good luck. :)

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I have a facebook page and my own website...both are free (weebly for website) . Weebly was pretty easy to set up and I have the same pics on both sites. I have not tried etsy. I like having the website to put on my labels/brochures/business cards but reall the only internet sales i've had came from facebook friends. I sent them to website to make their selections.

I used to pay a web host but then I saw post on here about free weebly (I think naturallytru mentioned it thank you Trudi)

Not interested in etsy..too many on it already

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I am on Etsy and the fees are getting outrageous - listing + transaction fee...they are headed the same way e-Bay went. For the price I paid last month I can get my own website for a whole year. Artfire is a better choice than Etsy.

I agree that Etsy's fees are getting outrageous. However, I do not agree that ArtFire is a better choice. I have the exact same site at both places. I sell a lot on Etsy and very little on ArtFire. My best sales are on my own site. I guess what works for one person does not always work for another.

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