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the seemingly all around wick

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I got my Csn wicks last night. 16 was the recommended wick...and drum roll please :shocked2:

It....failed miserably tunneled straight down. A smaller wick just made a small tunnel. I tested square #6 was a bit ovekill. So the best wicks so far is #5 and 45 ply. Do not get me wrong the CSN and CD are great for my soy candles. But no different for my palm candle. I called several sources many did not agree with CD,CSN are a good choice but not for uncented palm pillars. These sources stated these are great for scented soy/parafin or a mix or both. Paper core failed horribly also. Cotton core might be a selection I will try. But 45ply and #5 are still best for my case.

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45 ply is winner so far for me and the environment of my home. Wicks unlimited has charts and it seem that the. 25 cunsumption rate is what works best with a 3 " palm the #5 and 45 ply have the same consumption rate but the build seems that wicks are not created equal when it comes to soft container wax that I noticed the CSN and stabillo are wonderful for the softer stuff, but I have no numbers. I keep a log so now I will compare the biggest stabilio 20 vs 45 ply vs #5 directly in 3 burns then crown the winner.

Edited by Gbhunter
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Don't know if you are aware of this but Candle Science commissioned the german wick company Wedo to produce a wick designed specifically for glass glow palm wax. CSN wicks were the wicks they made and the reason you only find them at CS. Furthermore that is why they are called CSN's or Candle Science Natural wicks. They burn beautifully in gg and crystal container palm.

Pillars and containers don't burn the same so its fine to test out different series of wicks to find what works in yours. But please be careful what you say about a perfectly fine wick designed for container palm. Newbies can get the wrong idea that it is a bad wick in general and its not. It has a specific wick function and works beautifully in that respect.

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CDNs (Stabilo KST) and CDNs are both treated to resist oxidation from the acids in vegetable waxes. That's not news! I have always used CDNs in palm wax candles - both container and pillar formulas and they perform very well. I use CDs in votives and they also perform well.

Wicks unlimited has charts

Once again, the charts are based on tests done with paraffin pillars. They are only to give people an IDEA of how the wick ranges go. Those charts are NOT for ALL waxes... You simply cannot "go by them," ESPECIALLY if you are not using paraffin wax!! They are there to help people see the differences between sizes and compare to other brands. Any other reliance on them is misguided.

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I know how the charts are done, I just use them as referance, it works for me. CSN failed harriby in my pillars, I will try size 20 next. It might be the environment or wax I have. I only report what I see. And right now the csn are all drowning in 3" pillars. Like I stated before I have done test burn with

Lx,htp,CD,CD and finally square braid. All other than the square failed horribly. I do not know why:confused:

I did not try eco, but right now I don't think it will do much good. I will try cotton. Nice and hot. :cheesy2: I have a desk top full of failed candles.

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I do not do palm containers so I cannot possibly say anything about how it works there. I did talk to a person at we do and they stated the stabilo/kst wicks are very similar to csn,. Don't shoot me I'm just repeating the info.

Are you sure you aren't talking about Wicks Unlimited or some other wick supplier? Wedo is an International wick manufacturer based in Germany. They distribute wicks to the US to suppliers like Wicks Unlimited. If you spoke directly to Wedo why didn't they mention that their Wedo RRD wick series are nearly identical to CSN instead of referring you to Heinz Stabilo series? That sounds like something a supplier would do not a manufacturer.

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I do not do palm containers so I cannot possibly say anything about how it works there. I did talk to a person at we do and they stated the stabilo/kst wicks are very similar to csn,. Don't shoot me I'm just repeating the info.

I have tested both and found that the CDN wicks are self-trimming and the CSN wicks are not. I think that is a big difference even though the treatment is the same.

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The CSN's are made exclusively for Palm Wax. I have been pouring palm wax pillars for over 5 yrs, of course, mine are scented!! Why would you want to make an unscented palm pillar? I use CDs and Performas for all paraffin/soy candles and have been for 10 yrs. Why don't you get a little more expertise in your pocket before you talk about "seemingly all around wicks?"

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Why would you want to make an unscented palm pillar?

I've made these on request. Many folks don't like to light scented pillars for dining by candlelight because the fragrance interferes with their enjoyment of their food. Another few customers were sensitive to fragrances and loved the candles - just didn't want them scented.

CSN failed harriby in my pillars, I will try size 20 next. It might be the environment or wax I have. I only report what I see. And right now the csn are all drowning in 3" pillars. Like I stated before I have done test burn with Lx,htp,CD,CD and finally square braid. All other than the square failed horribly.

GB, I am baffled. As one can readily tell by the replies in this thread, people report success using many different types of wicks in their 3" palm wax pillars. I can't imagine what is going so wrong with yours... When you say the wick is "drowning" is it REALLY drowning or has the flame height diminished? THere IS a difference, particularly with palm wax candles. The flame starts high, then settles down to a smaller size which burns slowly but surely.

Perhaps if you would post the wax you are using (supplier and blend), the exact ingredients you add to the wax and the exact wick used along with photos, we could all be of more assistance.

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Before everyone bitch slaps me I report what I see . I tried the damn wick it failed OK. I don't need to do it for 5, 10 or 150 years to know that.

I don't know why it failed. 45 ply is the only one that gets the results I want. Perhaps its the wax I don't know. The label for this column is just a title why is everyone so pissed. I observe and write. I have a log of how all wicks failed, I now have a crapload of wick that lucky for me people are willing to buy from eBay. Not to put scent in a pilar is not a *&%+-*& crime so back the dogs off. I want to make an unscented pillar because its non of your *&&-&%& business. I hate scented pillars. So do people I give these too. I was hoping was a miracle wick for this wax but it also failed to my great disappointment I really wanted it to work.

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@ Stella

The flame shrinks and shrinks till it goes out. I have not tried the cotton cores but added tot the list of wicks can be rrd and lx.:sad2: I get the wick raw no coating perhaps this is the cause?

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I really can't say, GB. I use CDNs that have high temp natural wick wax on them. The only time I have ever used raw wicking was square braid on some art mold candles until I figured out a way to wick them with the CDN wicks. The square braid worked okay, but I really liked the burn I got from the CDNs better. Many people don't burn decorative molded candles, but I do (I'll burn anything - even cut & curl candles!!) so I wanted the decorative candles to burn just as well as the regular pillars I make.

Why not try some CDN or CSN wick assemblies that are primed with high temp wick wax? I don't understand the fascination with raw wicking...

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I'm weird that way. I have major hang ups about this type of stuff. You have to get 500 at a time correct? . My next order will contain 170mp wax I will use for coating the wick. But I tried htp wicks in so and rrd both were assemplies all shroomed no matter what size I used. I have heard people say that shrooming can't be stopped. Sorry I flew into a rant sometimes the pain medication I need to take makes my mind very clouded.

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I'm weird that way. I have major hang ups about this type of stuff. You have to get 500 at a time correct? . My next order will contain 170mp wax I will use for coating the wick. But I tried htp wicks in so and rrd both were assemplies all shroomed no matter what size I used. I have heard people say that shrooming can't be stopped. Sorry I flew into a rant sometimes the pain medication I need to take makes my mind very clouded.


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because I told them about the epic failures of rrd htp among others. So we got on the topic of can CD and the like. He/she (this was off record)

Told me they were symilar to ply just have a firm thread through them and an acid treatment. They stated to give them another shot. I was instructed to compare the size then use the CD of similar size. He/she stated that if the pillars work with 45ply and #5 sq why look for anything else. But they stated stabilo rrd and all that I should try for containers. I just started the container thing but I figured I would tweak the pillars.

Now I know there was no point. As for f/o the load is 6% so its faint unless you use very powerful oils no one will notice it.

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You have to get 500 at a time correct?
Of course not. Check suppliers such as Southwest Candle Supply, Candle Cocoon and others mentioned. They do not require you to buy 500 wicks and most, if you email them, will be glad to mail you a couple of samples to test. Read supplier websites. Lone Star offers sample packs of the size range they carry of every wick in their line up. If you plan to purchase several thousand or more, then contact a wick distributor for samples but its rather unfair to do so if you have no intention of buying from them. There are members here who offer wicks in the classifieds.
As for f/o the load is 6% so its faint unless you use very powerful oils no one will notice it.
GB, I use 1 oz. PP which is 5.88% FO load. No one has ever complained that my candle's fragrance throw is "faint."

You talked to this person and that, He said, she said. Many folks have been trying to help you right here. I didn't talk to those people and I honestly don't give a crap what they said. I KNOW what works for me. It isn't theoretical or based on one or two candles. It's what I do for production. Others who have replied have been successfully making candles using the wicks the have recommended to you. TRY THEM EXACTLY AS RECOMMENDED.

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I have one burning now. MIght as well im awake so why not. its CD 16 assembly the flame is so faint. Tiny. It will drown with in 1 hour. Also I would like to mention that you burn the pillars in a different way than I do. Mine slowly consumes the shell. That might be the entire issue. When I got a CD picked. I will test again. To me the CD look just like ply,just more rigid. I will also try #4. Are there scents better than others for straight palm none I ever made gave any scent...I will have to pay attention to flash point. Also my double boiler never gets the wax passed 195° I don't know if that is an issue as well. I got 50 lbs shipping in so lots of practice! I very much relate this to bonsai everyone has something to say but n the end you have to choose. I did get good tips even if the wicks gave me issues. I will lay off the dye. Perhaps I poue too hot, but I like the crystal shapes.

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I can't guess why my results differ from yours. The wicks I use consume the shell as they go down. I like that part, I do not want the shell to be totally intacked once I'm finished burning. The shell for me is no less than 1/8 of an inch. I do not think I'm burning them wrong. No soot or smoke ever. But a nice warm glow. Could pouring it at 190 and only heating to 195 cause problems? The candle is so opaque that I can't see anything with the CD wick. How many drops of dye do yo use? Anyone ever try cotton core? Now I only add one tablespoon of staric. I will try some other combos.

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I can't guess why my results differ from yours. The wicks I use consume the shell as they go down. I like that part, I do not want the shell to be totally intacked once I'm finished burning. The shell for me is no less than 1/8 of an inch. I do not think I'm burning them wrong. No soot or smoke ever. But a nice warm glow. Could pouring it at 190 and only heating to 195 cause problems? The candle is so opaque that I can't see anything with the CD wick. How many drops of dye do yo use? Anyone ever try cotton core? Now I only add one tablespoon of staric. I will try some other combos.

maybe the shell is melting too fast, therefore drowning out the wick??

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