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King Cake


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Well, I'm not much help there because I'm not much of a bakery scent person. Another member has been trying to broaden my horizons and have found a few that I like. The closest to that combo I have would be Guinevere's Attraction from Moonworks. But, that is more of a vanilla base, no cinnamon or almond. Still would be nice in soap. I don't have the links here at work, and I know the searches are not working the best right now, but there are one or two threads with recipe blends the mix masters have come up with. I'll try to remember to post them.

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I did a mardi Gras soap in 2010, I used a Cinnabon type (#300) scent (WSP) and it was okay, but kind of faded. I used yellow and green oxide and ultramarine purple for the colors. It came out okay, but most people just used it for pretty soap in the guest bath. The last couple of years I haven't made any specifically for Mardi gras, I do soap for Christmas gifts and then valentine's is 6 weeks behind new years. Good luck.

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I'm glad you dug that thread up, cause its a good one. Maybe I just need to buy a King cake and see what it smells/tastes like but my research says it is a yeasty coffee cake with cinnamon and or chocolate/almond. I have a silicone bundt pan and plan to pour the three colors first for the top of the cake and maybe use strawberry or raspberry and then pour the bottom half with the almond cake fragrance. I have kelly green and bright purple medium jojoba beads on hand but not getting the bright yellow beads yet. The white beads look like powdered sugar and then just a little glitter and of course the baby in the middle. I'll post some pics when it gets done and the cupcakes should be fun too.



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