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Feedback Request---My First Soy Candles

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Hi All,

After a couple years break, I've picked up my candle-making hobby (err habit) again with soy (used to use paraffin).

I've spent hours on this site browsing the threads and re-learning. I debated between using C-3 and GW464 and finally settled on the 464 for the Hot Throw reviews.

Anyhow, I finally poured my first few candles this weekend. Used ECO-14 wicks, heated wax to 185 and added 9% FO (Beach Linen from CS), then stirred until 170 and poured. My house is fairly cool (68/69 deg) so I warmed my 12oz jars in the oven first.

Thoughts after 3 hours of test burning are: The HT is great :). I have a large living room and can pick up the scent as soon as I enter. Melt pool seems good, between 1/4 and 1/2". My only concern is that the flame seems a bit tall and flickers quite a bit even though I trimmed it to 1/4". Should I wick down? or try a different wick? Jar is approx 3". Any feedback is much appreciated!



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I use 464, when I used it straight the tops were very smooth but I had many issues with frosting, no matter the oil or color. I tried pouring at all different temps and using coconut oil but it was still there. I wound up adding 4630 to eliminate the frosting. There are a lot of posts around that have all kinds of hints about tempering and other things but I'm not that concerned about using all soy so I had no problem using a little 4630 to eliminate the frosting. Some posters feel that people don't mind frosting but I have not found that to be true.

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DO keep burning your candle for 3 hour test periods and keep detailed notes on what happens as far as sooting, heat of container, RoC, wick condition, flickering, discoloration of wax or MP, etc.

At this point, I think the container looks overwicked. I use that same diameter container with NatureWax C3 and I use a CDN 12 in it. Give CD or CDN 10-12 a try and see which of those 4 wicks works the best for you. 9% is a lot of FO to start with... I use 1 oz. PP and get a very good HT.

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Is that a glare on the lit picture or is the flame that big? I agree with Stella, I think it is overwicked. Eco 14 is a really big wick. If it were me, I would pour another and go down two wick sizes, actually. Try an Eco 10 just to see what happens. You might even go as low as an Eco 8.

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Not too shabby. I've found 464 really needs a higher fo load to throw and it needs to be wicked hot (fmp) c3 is better at 6-7% and will throw well while cool (not a full mp) When I worked with 464 I found that it really took a full melt pool to get a good throw. I would try an eco 12 in it (to tame the flickering) and work from there. I think lower down in the candle it might heat a bit too much. Like Stella said, keep detailed notes, melt pool depth over time, burn time, any mushrooming, flickering, flame height, I do melt pool temp too. I also weigh before and after each burn and record that (helps see when they start accelerating, and estimated burn time)

Good luck!

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Thanks for the replies! Going to try the ECO 10 next. Now if only I could find a supplier in Nashville... soo don't like paying shipping :/. CandleScience is 10 minutes from my sister in NC. Will definitely have to stop when i'm there this spring :).

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I briefly tested with 464 and gave up on it too quickly...I now use C3 and will stick with that now that I have the wicking down. You could try a blend to deal with the frosting issue OR try tempering the wax OR save yourself a bunch of headaches and do colorless. I like using color which is one of the main reasons I went to C3...rarely have any frosting issues :)

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