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My New Soap Presentation


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I've been struggling with how to package my M&P soap. I love the ease of clamshells but didn't really like the look. When I got a new wholesale account a few months ago, I decided I had to do something better, so this is what I came up with. It's funny how much trouble it is to make something look casual--I could have cut the cigar bands much more quickly but I wanted the edges to look torn! I put the ingredients label on the back.


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Alajane - I was wondering how you get that torn look if you don't mind sharing.

Annie-- have you tried the scissors? do they work?

At one time I wanted to use paper I found at Staples that mimics old parchment paper. If I could get a nice torn look it would be perfect.

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Candybee, I got the torn look--by tearing!!:cheesy2: It's a pain because inevitably I mess up a few and have to print extras. I put a ruler with a metal edge where I want the paper torn and "let 'er rip!" The sheets of paper are longer than I need, thank goodness, because quite often it's difficult to get it started and the end may not be right, but I have to cut the ends to size anyway, and then I put the ingredients label over the seam on the back. It's a bit of a pain--takes much longer than just making labels and putting in place, but I do love the look and since I don't sell a lot of soap it's worth it.

On the other hand, if I sold hundreds of bars of soap at a time, I don't think I'd go with this method!

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