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Best fragrance oils

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thecandlemakerstore.com makes 2 grades of oils. I'm still testing so I can't really recommend anything, but I do like peaks. I've ordered candlemakerstore's better grade oils and like them also. I've heard others say that thecandlemakerstore's a grade are really good and they don't need to upgrade to the b grade, but maybe those will be more of what you're looking for.

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I started with Peaks and still have some of their older oils in stock. NG has most of my best selling fragrances and at a price that keeps me in the price range my customers prefer. Candle Cocoon has some oils that I use to slip a little in with my base oils to give them an extra kick (we're talking the strongest oils on the net) but all the companies mentioned have their special blends that you can't get anywhere else. Let's not forget AH/RE and all their great products either. You just have to grab up samples and see how they work for your situation and understand that the majority of distributors that haven't gone under are doing their best to offer great products to us hand-crafters. Heaven help us if anymore go under.


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Candle Cocoon has some oils that I use to slip a little in with my base oils to give them an extra kick (we're talking the strongest oils on the net) but all the companies mentioned have their special blends that you can't get anywhere else.


Are you saying that Candle Cocoon has the strongest oils on the net? or did I misunderstand?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My main suppliers are Peaks & CS. That said, there are few FOs that I get from various suppliers:

French Vanilla & Oak, Vanilla S'wood, lav/apples & oak - AH/RE

Dragon fire & Egyptian Dragaon - OT

Black Amber & Lav - BB

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