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Is there a "Soapaholics Anonymous" group somewhere?


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It's only been a few weeks since I even knew it's possible to make soap at home, but already, I'm in serious trouble. Instead of sleeping, I'm constantly on the web reading about soap making. Already I've spent hundreds of dollars on soap supplies, and I have more soap than what my family could use in a few years! They all seem okay (albeit a bit drying), but I can't gift them because I made them in a round shallow tupperware, so it's really ugly. Besides, I need more practice to ensure that my soaps are nice enough for gifting. I still didn't get my soap mold that I ordered.:sad2:

I'm shirking my regular work so that I could learn about soaping. Hubby wanted to go away somewhere nice our last break, but I didn't want to so that I could stay at home to make soap. And instead of enjoying my free time with with my family and friends, all I want to do is plan for the next batch of soap. Not only that, I'm trying to pinch pennies everywhere so that I could buy more soaping stuff. To make matters worse, instead of cooking nice dinners for my family (like I used to because I love cooking), I find myself making soap! Last but not the least, when I am stressed from work, and I tell myself, "Think happy thoughts," the first thing that pops up in my head is "SOAP"! :shocked2: How do I keep this severe addiction under control?

Edited by Francis
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It's only been a few weeks since I even knew it's possible to make soap at home, but already, I'm in serious trouble. Instead of sleeping, I'm constantly on the web reading about soap making. Already I've spent hundreds of dollars on soap supplies, and I have more soap than what my family could use in a few years! They all seem okay (albeit a bit drying), but I can't gift them because I made them in a round shallow tupperware, so it's really ugly. Besides, I need more practice to ensure that my soaps are nice enough for gifting. I still didn't get my soap mold that I ordered.:sad2:

I'm shirking my regular work so that I could learn about soaping. Hubby wanted to go away somewhere nice our last break, but I didn't want to so that I could stay at home to make soap. And instead of enjoying my free time with with my family and friends, all I want to do is plan for the next batch of soap. Not only that, I'm trying to pinch pennies everywhere so that I could buy more soaping stuff. To make matters worse, instead of cooking nice dinners for my family (like I used to because I love cooking), I find myself making soap! Last but not the least, when I am stressed from work, and I tell myself, "Think happy thoughts," the first thing that pops up in my head is "SOAP"! :shocked2: How do I keep this severe addiction under control?

Welcome to my world :laugh2:Word of advice? Don't start candles along with soap...the addiction of doubled :tiptoe: I dream candles of what I'm going to make next and haven't even gotten the darn parasoy wicked right yet.

Do you have shopping lists for next payday laying around? I have them stacked up for the next 6. :laugh2:

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I do candles, and dabble in lotion, body sprays, M&P, etc but have never had the desire to try soaping from scratch - don't need another addiction and I'm one that need needs instant gratification and soaping doesn't fit the scenerio...plus there are so many experienced soapers that I can buy from that I don't need to go there...kwim.

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Wait till you start dreaming of batches then you know you have a problem lol

I've had the batching dreams. I am SOOO addicted.

So a few things that I found over the last two years would be the following:

It helped me to plan out things short and long term.

Don't try and do too much too soon. I mapped out what i wanted to learn and set a high level time frame.

Go away with the hubby.

Don't skip over loved ones and friends, but do set aside soaping time just for you. This has turned into "my time" and I love it.

Put a time limit on how much searching you are going to do. Especially that digging around type of searching. :) you end up spinning off and wanting to try EVERYthing you find on a search

put aside so much money each pay check, week whatever for your hobbie (addiction) even a little. I made the mistake of charging stuff at first and then had months of bills to pay off. now I have my soap budget.

I hope this helps, even just a little.

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There is no cure for this addiction. lol for that I am happy. I keep a notepad and pen at my bedside to write down what I think of when I should be sleeping. It consumes us for sure..Have fun. You don't need to buy all the fancy oils etc, you can make a great bar of soap without them. If you find your soap a little drying maybe if you increase the superfat , it would help. They do get milder as they age too.

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There is no cure for this addiction. lol for that I am happy. I keep a notepad and pen at my bedside to write down what I think of when I should be sleeping. It consumes us for sure..Have fun. You don't need to buy all the fancy oils etc, you can make a great bar of soap without them. If you find your soap a little drying maybe if you increase the superfat , it would help. They do get milder as they age too.

This is what I do too I have many notebooks I keep next to my bed and I always write some new idea in it every night before I go to bed lol.

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I've had the batching dreams. I am SOOO addicted.

So a few things that I found over the last two years would be the following:

It helped me to plan out things short and long term.

Don't try and do too much too soon. I mapped out what i wanted to learn and set a high level time frame.

Go away with the hubby.

Don't skip over loved ones and friends, but do set aside soaping time just for you. This has turned into "my time" and I love it.

Put a time limit on how much searching you are going to do. Especially that digging around type of searching. :) you end up spinning off and wanting to try EVERYthing you find on a search

put aside so much money each pay check, week whatever for your hobbie (addiction) even a little. I made the mistake of charging stuff at first and then had months of bills to pay off. now I have my soap budget.

I hope this helps, even just a little.

They are all wonderful suggestions, but for now, I feel like the only way to get it out of my system is to make soap, soap, and more soap!

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