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Vanilla Woods FO Candles Not Looking Good

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Ok I made these on yesterday and to me they are not looking good, this is what I used

Nature wax C3

9% Vanilla Wood FO /1/4 of red and green wax dye

wicks rrd 29,34 and 51-32-18Z, and 44-24-18Z

I heated wax to 185 and poured at 165, I allowed to cool in about 65-70degree,

I got serious frosting along the tops and sides of jar. here is pictures of the before burn and after 2.5hr burn. I am working on my 2nd burn now and I will be back with pictures for that also.


this is the four after cooling 24 hr

th_vallinawood014.jpg?t=1321919852th_vallinawood015.jpg?t=1321919859th_vallinawood013.jpg?t=1321919837this is after 2.5hr burn

th_vallinawood023.jpg?t=1321919894th_vallinawood022.jpg?t=1321919880th_vallinawood019.jpg?t=1321919882after cooling

please comment all are welcome

Edited by mzphee
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I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you worried about the frosting that takes place after you burn the candle and it cools? If so, soy wax tends to do that, although you do have a few craters there that might get better once you get your wicking down.. I don't generally worry about it. If you want nice tops after burning, maybe try paraffin or a blend. My customers just want the scent to be strong. I've never had anybody bring one back and say they don't like what it looks like when it cools. I do dye free but they still frost, its just not as noticeable.

Edited by deb426
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I started testing with C3 and have found that for me, pouring cooler and adding a small amount of coconut oil (start with 1 tsp per lb) really helped with the tops-they're really smooth. The bottom left hand candle appears to be slightly overwicked. I have not tried those wicks but from the ones I have I'm liking the Premier 700 series and CDN's...hth!

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I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you worried about the frosting that takes place after you burn the candle and it cools? If so, soy wax tends to do that, although you do have a few craters there that might get better once you get your wicking down.. I don't generally worry about it. If you want nice tops after burning, maybe try paraffin or a blend. My customers just want the scent to be strong. I've never had anybody bring one back and say they don't like what it looks like when it cools. I do dye free but they still frost, its just not as noticeable.

Just wanted some feed back on what people thought, didnt really have any questions, just learning and accepting all comments

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Give CD or CDN wicks a try. CDN wicks are harder to find, but I know they are available at Southwest Candle Supply in NE Texas and CC (links below).

If testing your soy candles for HT, let them cure longer.



HTH :smiley2:

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