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"Scent Chunks" in a container candle?

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My mother, among many other businesses in town, sell Circle E candles. When she first started wholesaling with them (about 4 years ago) they told her the difference in their candles was their unique, special "scented chunk" that they put in the wax.

Now, I will admit, in their Bird of Paradise (linked below) I do notice a drastic change in the scent when the chunk starts to melt versus the wax going solo. So they seemingly have a huge amount of FO in them as compared to the wax.Cir

Can anyone help me figure out what those are? They are harder than the container wax because it takes them longer to melt.

Here's a link to Bird of Paradise through them. If you click on the "view larger image" you'll notice that just below their label is a very dark spot. That's one of their "scent chunks".


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I have a customer that gave me her Bird of paradise melts, they were little molded drops in a bag....I couldn't get them to melt for anything!!! Probably the same wax. Hard as can be! I had Bird of Paradise from DS (which has been discontinued) that was a dead on dupe for BOP Circle E.

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It looks to me just like an embed of a higher melt point wax in a different color... seems the embed is a different FO.

This does not look like anything that is out of the ordinary to me...

That's kind of what I think it is, but they act like they're something uber special (though really why wouldn't they, big selling point!)

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a very nice marketing ploy ! remember Scentsy thinks theirs is uber special too .... so does Yankee and Kindle and Partylite .... and everyone else. LOL

The extra chunks ... different color and different scent .... is a great idea. Wish I'd thought of it !

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I bought one of those BOP candles recently since a local store had them half price. I had tried one years ago before I started making candles and wanted to try it again and see if it smelled any better than my blend (I didn't think so). I was very surprised, though, that they've changed how they make them. Years ago they had actual chunks throughout the candle. Now they have slim "slices" of wax--just around the outside edge--or at least that's now it has been so far; I've probably burned about 1/4 of the candle.

Gotta say it's burning beautifully, though, with no soot so far--making me rethink my wick choice since the wicks in this candle are zinc and I've been using LX for many years. I changed because of the sooting with zinc but these are doing great.

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