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Coconut Milk


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Anyone ever use coconut milk in CP? I make it with Goat's milk but would like to do a milk soap for Vegans and have read how great coconut milk is for the skin. Also what kind of coconut milk do you use? Can? I have some I got from Trader Joe's in a box. Any input is much appreciated.

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I made it once so far and LOVED IT! It sold very fast! I did half water and half coconut milk, canned. I added the the milk later, not in the lye so I wouldn't have the burnt milk smell. I'm waiting for my coconut scent to arrive so I can make more.

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I make soap with coconut milk too. I have used the canned milk and the powder. When I get canned milk I try to find one that doesn't have any additives in it like guar gum. It's not always easy to find just plain coconut milk. I've used some with the additives and I didn't have any problems, but I've heard there could be, not sure just what kind of a problem. And when you have milk with additives you need to list them on your ingredient list.

It does make nice soap.

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I just bought a whole coconut from the store the other day. I'm going to save the milk for some soap. Around here it is really hard to find the milk without additives.

I forgot I've done some with the powder too. They must not have been very impressive, I forgot them too easily.

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Thanks everyone!! I will try the canned milk as mine as additives. Maybe I'll try a fresh coconut! Does it stink like goat's milk? If I did part water do I add the milk in with the oils before I add the lye/water? What is the best coconut scent? Peaks? I need to get some to try!

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when I made it I put the lye/water in the oils, then added the milk, then stick blended as usual.

The bad side of doing it this way is that all the liquid isn't the milk, but I felt the amount of milk I used was enough to feel a big difference in the recipe. Say if the recipe calls for 14 oz total liquid and 6 oz lye, I would do about 7 oz water with the lye and the rest the milk. This way cuts down on the smell and the color change that full milks can have.

If you want a plain coconut scent I really like Bahama coconut from Aroma Haven. It smells really light in the beginning but after curing it really livens up. But there are so many coconut mixes that are nice too, like coconut lime verbena.

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I used the new ready-to-drink Pure Coconut in place of water in the Shortening and Shea CP recipe. Since it is not concentrated, I did not use any extra water. The recipe calls for sugar and salt. I did not add any sugar, just the salt the recipe called for, since the Pure Coconut is already sweetened. I used it cold from the fridge, and blended with a wire whisk to bring the temp down. It gave a very creamy bar! I would definitely use this again!

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I have made soap with coconut milk. I made a 8 lb batch and discounted the water. Added the coconut milk at trace. right or wrong, that is how I did it. Actually made 2 different batches, one "plain" and one with parsley and sage for a little color. I made it about a year ago, after 6 weeks cure I was not impressed enough to make more . HOWEVER, much of it has been on a shelf aging and I decided that we may as well use it as I had not tried to give it away or sell the "Not better than average soap" It is now my favorite soap for everyday use, have a bar by each sink, and am getting it to more testers to make sure it's not just me!

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@icecold: it is NOT coconut water fresh from the coconut. It is the ready to drink coconut MILK in the carton. It does heat up fast when you add lye, you have to keep stirring with a wire whisk. I really thought this was a nice, creamy bar when used with the Shortening & Shea recipe. I used the new Crisco for the shortening.

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I add coconut milk or goat milk to every batch of soap that I make. I add about 8 oz. at light trace, never mix it with the lye water, cause it stinks. I just mix half or more water amount with my lye and then do the milks at light trace and works great for me and adds so much to the soap. My soaps always lather great due to the extra sugars in the milk. Oh and I used the canned coconut milk mostly have tried the silk and it works great too..

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I use powdered coconut milk. I just blend it with a bit of warmed oils and stick blend until it is lump and speck free. Then I add it back to the warm oils and stick blend some more. I use 1 T. ppo. It makes my soaps so creamy. It's so easy to use and store.

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So I tried Coconut milk soap today. I added the lye to half water and then added the coconut milk at light trace then fragrance. It started to seize quick so I stirred as much as I could and put it in the mold. I did cover with a towel and then I realized that milk soaps heat up quickly and took the towel off after it sat for 6 hours. Hopefully this won't affect the soap. What do you all think about this? Oh and I scented it with 4 different 1 oz oils as I wanted coconut scent but I only had 1 oz coconut left, so I added Jamaica Me Crazy, Peach, and Pineapple. It smells really good.

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