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Starting Out What do I need to do.


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I am just starting out making candles, jar and tarts. Can anybody give me information on what I need to do to get started. Do I need insurance and where to get it. Do I have to collect sales tax. Do I need a business name. I will be just selling at craft shows. I also want to sell tart warmers, anything I need to know about that.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Tammy

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With tart warmers, you should make sure that any warmers you get are UL certified (an electrical spec for safety).

As for sales tax, business licensing and all the rest, you're pretty far off from starting to sell if you just started making these. You've got a lot of testing to do first before you're really offering a safe product to any customers. As for the actual business portions and craft fairs, you need to check with your local city hall and your state. Most states require you to register if you are selling to the public. They also require sales tax in many cases.

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Good advice to get your candle making up to sales standards before selling. You need to know what makes a safe candle and how to make a good one before you even think about selling. That means a lot of research and testing, learning safe candle standards of practice etc.

While you are working on perfecting your candles and tarts you can check out your local govt and visit your state dept of taxation for information about starting a business. Another great resource is visiting the Small Business Administration online and read up on different types of business entities. You may also find a local SBA affiliate in your area that may have business classes for free or for a modest fee. If so I strongly urge you to take a class or two.

You can get a tax ID thru your state department of taxation online. Its easy and free. For a biz license check with your local county courthouse or county seat to find out what your state/city/town/county requires. Mine required county and town biz licenses, recording biz name, zoning certificate, sales tax ID. But check first to see how much in sales you have to earn before you actually need a license. Some consider sales under a fixed dollar amount to be a hobby rather than biz. So check things out first before you jump in. When you do register your biz you will need a name.

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Like Janetscandles mentioned, you have some time ahead of you before you are ready to sell. There is a tremendous amount of time and money that should be invested in testing. People are often mislead into believing candles are easy to make. While the actual process isn't rocket science, getting a safe and proper burning candle takes practice and testing based on a myriad of factors. Having a candle that throws well is a whole other (frustrating) process. Because Martha Stewart and others do candle crafts on their shows saying "sooooo easy" and the supplies are available at Michaels or Hobby Lobby people often think, "Ooooh simple plan. I'll start a candle business." not realizing those supplies are often crap in quality and won't give good results. This forum is a wealth of information.

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Thanks for the replies. I have been testing for months and months and have spent many dollars doing this. I AM ready to sell that was the reason for the questions. Can anyone tell me where to look for insurance.

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Contact me for insurance if you haven't already..... there are some posts about it here somewhere... LOL. TeriM@Ridgwayins.com

Thanks for the replies. I have been testing for months and months and have spent many dollars doing this. I AM ready to sell that was the reason for the questions. Can anyone tell me where to look for insurance.
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I am just starting out making candles, jar and tarts.
That line is probably what had people thinking you were brand new and didn't know what you were doing. Definitely make sure you get your vendor's license, DBA (doing business as....if you have a business name you need to register it), insurance and get squared away to file and pay sales tax. That is the part I absolutely DETEST! I forgot to file once and got slapped with a penalty....my own fault, of course, but you need to make sure you have everything in order. I heard that they are checking vendor's licenses at craftshows now, but I don't know if there's any truth to that rumour. Best of luck to you! As much of the crummy business part that I hate--I love the part where I get to make pretty smelling candles! :) Edited by asheebeans
'cause I cain't speeel today!!
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I thought that you were very new to this too until you explained. I am glad that you clarified that you have been testing for months. There are so many crappy sellers out there that truly believe they know what they are doing. I am glad that you are not one of them.

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