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Question for the Lotion Makers

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Hi all,

I make solid lotion sticks. Was wondering if any of you could tell me what sells better. Your regular liquid lotion OR Lotion sticks?

My sticks are selling ok, but not flying out the doors.

I was thinking of getting into regular lotion making, BUT do not want to pay the fees to have each and every batch tested at a lab.

TIA, Vanessa

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Thanks everyone for replying. I sell my B&B at a store in town they do not move like my soaps and lip balm - but then I'm not there to promote them for the good that they do!

I have a couple of big summer craft sales coming up, I will sell them there and see how it goes, maybe advertise them as cracked heel repair - because of my lotion sticks my heels are sooo smooth!! Like the idea of unscented - actually have had requests for unscented.

I use the recipe on this forum - the non-greasy recipe. Enriched with Wonderful jojoba oil and shea butter.

Thanks everyone, Vanessa

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I do not make any "medical" claims, but I always advertise my lotion bars for deep moisturizing of heels, knees, and elbows- basically very dry spots. I guess it sells well in the winter because dryness is such a problem. I have shea and jojoba in mine just like you do. I also put in a bit of cocoa butter and other oils. It smells very nice and natural.

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