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Can you do well just selling on the internet?


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Well I did my first craft fair today and I just feel like crying and eating a large pizza all by myself. It was so bad. I have social anxiety disorder...I hate it. It has stopped me from doing so many things in my life. I have gotten treatment for it and I'm somewhat better now (at one point I was unable to leave my house, but I can do that fine now).

I really, really wanted to do well and sell my soaps at our towns farmers market. Even though I knew it would cause me anxiety I thought I could tough it out and maybe do okay. After I got every thing set up, my display, my canopy ect. ect. I was only able to stay an hour an a half before the stupid familiar paralyzing fear and anxiety started to take over. I pretty much bolted out of there and just left. The market organizer wasnt very happy about me leaving right away. I couldn't help it. I jut had to go.

So I wont be doing anymore markets or shows, ect. , but I dont want to give up on my hope of one day actually making a little profit from my soap making.

Does anyone here have a thriving business strictly through the internet? If so, how do you market your products? I am going to try etsy and ebay and see how that goes but holy cow, there is a ton of soap on those sites! Does anyone have a facebook business page and if so do you find it very helpful in attracting new customers?


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I went through several years of panic/anxiety attacks and it is NOT fun. But mine was different than yours...I really don't know what my problem was...lol. I CAN be a social butterfly and I talk a lot so craft shows and I were made for each other.

What if you had someone to help you with shows? Like you both go and get everything ready and then if you feel that anxiety/panic coming on he or she could continue doing the show. Just thinking out loud here.

Do you take any prescription drugs for it? I took Ativan for about 5 years but a new doctor wanted me off of it right away. After we talked I said I would try something else that wasn't addictive. It took be several months but one day I woke up and they were gone. It's been probably 14 years now and have never had another one.

I don't do any internet selling. It just doesn't interest me...so I have no ideas or experience with it.

Good luck with whatever you decided to do.

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I'm very sorry. I think the best bet is to start on etsy and I read their forums. Lots of tips and tricks to getting attention or front page or whatever they call it. Get to know esty, first. Pretend you're a customer. The photography of your product is huge. Check out descriptions, prices.

I wonder if you could get a friend or family member to work the craft fairs and farmers markets for you. Kind of out of the goodness of their heart, a few free meals at your house and free soap? Then customers could reorder through your etsy or website?

I applaud you for even trying to do the farmers market. It was a big and brave thing to do. I have a family member who could not leave the house and finally is on meds. She's a new person. As they say, what would you grab if your house was on fire? She joyfully answer, MY MEDS! I do remember it took a lot of work with her doctor to find the right meds, as I recall a full year. She said it takes a month or two to determine if a med works. I think she actually takes two different ones.

I wish you well.

There is a group page on Facebook called What's in your Shower and they allow vendors to post about themselves, their products, sales, etc. It's a free and cheap way to advertise your soap. If you have a personal page on Facebook, you can set up a business page and now FB allows you to open a "store" for free. Maybe start with that instead of etsy. But do set up a FB page, post pictures of your soaps and then potential customers can email you their orders or something. You'll need to open a PayPal account, too.

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Awww pixie...sorry to hear. I suffer from panic/anxiety attacks also. Mine are not social related...mine center more around money, a work injury, being out of work, losing my career due to my wrist injuries, not making my own money and becoming dependent on my hubby etc etc etc. I'm a very independent gal...always supported myself. At one time it was hard to leave the house because I would have panic attacks driving. So, I know somewhat how you feel.

I do take lexapro now...10mg...rarely rarely do I get anxious or panic anymore. I won't go without it LOL.

The idea of taking someone with you to the craft fair is a great one. Is that possible for you? I did my very first small craft show at a local winery back in May. I was a nervous wreck. I am lucky to know the owner though...and shared a table with my cousin by marriage. It made it so much easier to have someone with me. I am sociable to a point...but not a salesperson at ALL. I sold melts, soap and little fragrance sprays. And all without not socializing too much. I lit some melts in my burner...the smell drew them in...I also had sample sprayers of the fo sprays...I wore that myself and the things just sold themselves LOL. I ended up selling $100 worth and I thought that was GREAT LOL. I got invited back to the winery for another small event in July.

You can do it...I know you can. My orthopedic surgeon for my arms has spent years teaching his patients ways to beat anxiety thru relaxation techniques. I travel quite a distance to see him for my injuries...but it is well worth it. Realizing that the fear is in my mind is what has helped me. Just take small steps at first...


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My first thought was to have someone with you...if you need to escape, you can.

I had one internet sale (from someone I didn't know) in 2 years. I am not internet savy enough to seriously promote it, but I think you have to have a following to get it going.

How about trying to land a consignment or wholesale account? Hair salons and consignment shops might be a place to look.

Good luck!

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just to answer the internet question... yes I think you can, BUT.. it takes alot of work, and some luck. Great photos, great descriptions, and in etsy's case, knowing someone.

Be an etsy featured seller and you're set... but good luck getting picked. I know an etsy employee who gave me the real deal on how they are NOW chosen.. its not a friendly process.

I make decent online sales... sometimes.. but its so random that its a real frustration when one week you sell 20 things and the next only 1, if at all. Of course I have hopes to change that and I'm going to keep working at it, and I think potential is there, but unfortunately without shows and wholesale orders I'd never make it. Etsy isnt horrible, but it isnt great either. There is a TON of competition, misstagging of products... resellers... my ultimate goal, and I think a much more cost effective option in the long run.. is my own website. Yes its alot to set up, but etsy fees run away with you- very easily... I've had etsy fees of up to $100 a month before.. and the sales arent always worth it

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Pixie - I would suggest getting someone to help you. Get someone who understands that you may have some problems. My husband goes with me to shows and does ok for a while and then he disappears to the car for awhile to get away from the people. You may find that having someone with you will make it easier over a period of time. You seem very excited about making this work. Don't give up your dream - - - see if someone will join you. A lot of people just enjoy working a show or you can figure a percent that you can pay them. The more they sell - the more you will both make.

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I am sorry that happened. Try ArtFire out . I too suffer from panic attacks, i saw a therapist and know how to deal with them to make them disappear, I could not leave my house, I was not letting them take over , it was a lot of hard work but I won the battle. When I get the feeling now, I take deep breaths and tell myself I am not allowing the panic to set in.

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I have a website and my problem is that I can't get into any of the farmer's markets because there are already too many soapers that have been there before me. They get first dibs so I no longer try. The mountain towns here in Colorado are better but they just wear me out. The travel, setup, horrible weather. The last one I went to we had such high gusting wind my tent almost blew away, though weighted down. Then it hailed and I just said, that's it. I work full time at another job so money isn't the issue. I tried Etsy for over a year. Paid for extra things like show casing my product, banners on facebook, you name it. I was exhausted and disallusioned. I make wonderful CP soap, but also make lotion, body butters, bath products. I started in 2007. I have taken a break this summer. I seem to give more product away and in this economy people don't want to pay a fair price for me to make any profit. I don't want to bring you down. This was just my experience so I have given up on Farmer's Markets. I now solicit Salons and small stores in the mountains and that works better for me.

On another note, I have an anxiety disorder and have since childhood. My suggestion is to talk to your primary care physician. Mine wanted to put me on Zoloft for years and I fought her tooth and nail. Things really got bad last year when I was laid off from my real job and I finally took her advice. No more panic attacks. I am on a very low dosage and I feel in control. We all have to make our own decisions, but your doctor can help you find the right choice for you. I was embarrassed because I felt my anxiety was a sign of weakness. It is NOT. It is a disorder that you should seek professional help for so you can live your life to the fullest. I wish you the best!

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