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I got a sample because people are asking for it, I'm not excited - but --people are asking for it so I need to get some. My question is I notice at JS they have Plumeria type, but they also have Plumeria Blossom on the BB for just $10! Can anyone with experience with this scent tell me if the BB scent is good? The regular there or BCS is only $15 - so is the difference going to be evident?

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Make sure you know which Plumeria your customers want -- you have the straight up floral and then the dupe from BBW which has melon in it (my personal favorite)

I haven't tried those two from JS, but I'd be willing to bet they're different (in smell, not necessarily quality)

I have Plumeria from Candle Science that I'm about to put up in the classies (as soon as I can find the time to gather and list all my stuff) -- if you're interested in that one, shoot me a PM

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I agree with the Peaks. I hate floral fragrances, and Plumeria is a stronger one that gives me a headache. However, I sold a ton of it. I used to use JS. But it seemed the formulation changed or something (because I didn't) a while back and the hot throw ceased. So I changed to Peak and my customers love it. So the headaches continue! Lol

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[sigh] Sadly, the best Plumeria I ever used came from Tradewinds. But since they are still not open yet I am using CS Plumeria. It is a nice floral type Plumeria but a tad 'perfumy'. If LuminousBoutique says Peaks is better I believe her. But I will continue to use CS Plumeria because of its lower price and shipping costs to me. I have to consider cost with quality for my biz and sometimes economics wins.

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Sadly, the best Plumeria I ever used came from Tradewinds

This is the truth! I never even mentioned TW because they are no longer selling fragrances. I still have their plumeria for personal use. TW had some of the best scents ever and I miss them so much.

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