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Possible Stupid Question Alert!

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I am not asking for anything to be handed to me. I have done a lot of reading, days & days of reading. I didn't find the answer to this particular question. I have looked for the answer before asking any question. Most of the time I have found the answer myself. Why even comment if you are just going to down people? It takes much less energy just to hit the back button. I don't mean to be rude or unappreciative of the help I have received, but you sound as if you are assuming I don't want to do the research myself. That is not the case.

Edited by jluper7297
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Hey, j-lu... Sometimes longtime members get a little testy... (I resemble that remark at times!)... don't take it to heart. Ask your questions and sift through the replies for what seems valuable and put the rest by the curb. Different folks have different approaches - what matters is that you get where you want to go with this and have an enjoyable experience in the process. Relax and have fun with your new-found interest.

I know somewhere maybe on the old forum there was a testing sheet? I personally would love to see how different my testing spreadsheet differs from everyone. Not looking for data itself, but how you set up your sheets.
I have a sheet for testing that I got out of Bob Shermon's book. I saw one the other day on a supplier site that was much more detailed though
Why not post the form from your spreadsheet or whatever you are using? Others might find it valuable to compare their data sheet form with yours.
I was just thinking I would love to find a sheet with the questions we should answer during testing.
There are lots of ways people organize their observations and results. People also have different ideas about what information is valuable enough to them to record.

I am bad about misplacing sheets and notebooks and if I don't have a pre-printed form to fill out, I am highly likely to forget something. Many mango seasons ago, someone here mentioned they used index cards for their testing data. I thought that was brilliant, so I made a form for myself in MS Word and printed it on index cards. Because I make candles to sell, I record more information than one might need if simply making candles for their own use and pleasure.

Remember: this is simply what I do. If any of you have other suggestions, rather than critique what I have shared, please write out YOUR procedure from start to finish. That way people will have a good selection of examples from which to choose to formulate what works best for them.

Here's my version:

(front of card)

Wick Testing Data

Container or Mold Description & dimensions

Date Candle was poured

Wax/Amount (batch/lot# from the case, supplier, date purchased)

Dye/Amount (supplier; date purchased)

Additive/Amount (supplier, date purchased) (extra blanks for this as I may use several additives)

FO (or EO) Name/Amount (supplier; date purchased) (extra blanks in case I am mixing the scents)

Wick Type/Size (date of purchase & supplier)

Net Weight before burning

Average RoC (oz. per hour)

Net Weight at end of candle

Total Burn Time

(back of card)

Burn Testing Data


Start Time

End Time

Start Net Weight

End Net Weight


Flame Height

Melt Pool (diameter x depth)

Cold Throw (1-5)

Hot Throw (1-5)


I can fit two burn sessions on the back of the card. I print extra Burn Test cards (4 per card) because it takes many sessions to burn a candle all the way to the end. When the candle has completely finished burning, I staple the cards together with the Wick Testing Data on top, compute and record the Average RoC **, the remaining Net Weight (the small amount of wax left at the end of the candle) and the Total Burn Time.*** During the burns, if I notice that the flame is dancing, flickering, making noise, becoming clogged, 'shrooming, or any other notable observation, I record that in the "Notes" area.

Before each burn, I trim the wick to 1/4" and weigh the candle (weigh empty container & wick, tare, then weigh the candle to arrive at how much total wax is in the container, the net weight). I record the time and light the candle. I burn the candle for 1 hour per inch of candle diameter. It helps to set a timer so one doesn't overrun the test time. If needed, I make notes during the burn. At the end of the test session, I extinguish the flame by carefully dipping the wick into the wax and straightening it. I record the time. I allow the candle to cool COMPLETELY (several hours) before starting another test session. I trim the wick to 1/4", record the Start weight of the candle (as above), record the time and light the candle. I compute the RoC from the previous burn.* I repeat this procedure each time until the candle self-extinguishes at the bottom. If it doesn't self-extinguish at about 1/2", I note this, and stop the test there. I calculate my totals, make any final notes and go from there.

* Computing the RoC

I weigh the wax (after the candle has cooled) before the start of the next test session. I write the End Weight in the blank for the 1st burn with the Start Weight figure from the 2nd burn. Here's an example from one of my cards:

Burn #1

Start Weight 3.9 oz. End Weight 3.3 oz. RoC .2 oz per hour

(3.9 - 3.3 = .6, divided by the length of the previous test session, which was 3 hours = .2 oz. per hour)

Burn #2

Start Weight 3.3 oz. End Weight 2.8 oz. RoC .17

... and so forth

** Average RoC is computed by adding together all the RoC figures from the test sessions, then dividing by the number of sessions. In the example above (assuming there were only 2 sessions), the average RoC is .19 oz. per hour.

*** To compute the Total Burn Time, I convert the times to decimals (ie. 1:45 pm = 13.75).

I total all the start times; then all the end times. I subtract the start time total from the end time total which gives me the total number of hours of burn time. It's not necessary to compute the time exactly this way, so long as you end up with the same figure.



And btw, I don't "dial in" anything. I add it. No dialing involved. Another silly term.
I don't care what terms YOU use to describe what you do, Sliver, and I don't understand why you feel compelled to comment on the terms I use. When I submit a professional manuscript to you for editing and approval, I'll consider your professional opinions on my writing. Until then, I suggest that you keep your snide comments to yourself. Just do it. Do it today.
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Do you really, seriously think a newby is going to know what a silly term like "dialing in" means? I've been doing this longer than a lot of board members have been alive and I don't have the vaguest idea what it means. Nor do I care. I just know silly terms that don't mean squat are a complete and total waste of brain cells. Say what you mean and see how much easier it is. Pulling words out of your butt is NOT a good teaching tool and it truly doesn't make someone smarter, in spite of what that person may think. It makes them look.....silly. But do carry on. It's always good for a laugh.

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Pulling words out of your butt is NOT a good teaching tool

Quite frankly, many of your comments seem to originate from an intestinal tract outlet, so I am confused as to why you would object to my pulling a term or two out of my butt when so much of your vitriol comes from a similar location... But hey, I'm just feeling silly this morning. It's a nice feeling compared to what you spread around...

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Thank you Stella! I have the form I have been using in a word doc on my work computer. I will email it to myself and will be glad to share it if anyone is interested. I'm not sure I can attach a word doc file to a post but I can always cut & paste it. It just won't look as pretty.

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It seems that everyone here is trying to help you, but you can determine what is excessive babble and what is helpful. I personally would have found the suggested wick size for your container & wax (from various supplier sites), and add color & scent and go from there. If you tend to like "foodie" scents that are heavy be prepared to wick up one, two or three sizes, but if you try a lighter scent you could very well be testing a nice scent while calculating your burn time and burn characteristics.

Enjoy the hobby.

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It seems that everyone here is trying to help you, but you can determine what is excessive babble and what is helpful. I personally would have found the suggested wick size for your container & wax (from various supplier sites), and add color & scent and go from there. If you tend to like "foodie" scents that are heavy be prepared to wick up one, two or three sizes, but if you try a lighter scent you could very well be testing a nice scent while calculating your burn time and burn characteristics.

Enjoy the hobby.

That's good info to know! I love fruity scents. I poured Honeydew Melon last night, I am just waiting a couple of days now to start burning it. My unscented testers are about a quarter of the way down the jar now after 5 test burns. I have 2 pages of notes on them. LOL, seems like it will be a book by the time they are finished!

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Just cause I feel like throwing some stuff out there:

- I use index cards to record all my candle tests, find it easy to file and find. I don't put as much info as Stella, but I do what works for me, everyone is different.

- I have tested unscented candles, because I wanted to and I actually have people requesting unscented candles.

- I think there is alot of unwarranted "sniping" between some members, but it makes for an interesting read sometimes...

- yes, longtime members can get irritated about the same questions popping up all the time from newbies (I am still a relative newbie), but I have learned to just use the back arrow and not snipe

- I know what "dialing in" means, as I bet most people do, too.

- don't let negative comments sour you on this board, it is an excellent board and everyone here contributes useful info.

OK, so much to say, so little time. Do what works for you and hopefully the search function will get fixed.



Oh, and be happy these forums are not like the ones on Etsy, where every thread gets shut down by Admin for no reason other than they are DB's. Our moderators are wonderful people.

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I think there is alot of unwarranted "sniping" between some members...

- yes, longtime members can get irritated about the same questions popping up all the time from newbies (I am still a relative newbie), but I have learned to just use the back arrow and not snipe.


Edited by marcuset
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I have privately helped many newbies over the years and have never had them make an unscented candle first and foremost.........waste of valuable wax, wicks and time!! If you're gonna make scented candles then test scented candles!

There would be far fewer questions on this forum if the search feature worked properly, or people searched google for all the great research information that's out there. I personally learned by reading the great information most candle suppliers and wax manufacturers have on their sites and googling everything else. It seems most newbies today sure don't do their homework or their own research anymore, they pretty much want it handed to them.

I constantly research & Google everyday! It's my thing. I research every single thing I'm interested or curious about, ESPECIALLY Candles, lately!!! Sheesh.

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I am just trying to get a starting point. I was told here on the board that it's a good idea to test each element at a time, that way if there is any issues, it's easy to pinpoint the culprit.

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jluper...while I did not start testing unscented...I say do what you are comfortable with. I appreciate every ones point of view...and sometimes the sniping really makes me laugh out loud.

LMAO...sorry...and I appreciate BOTH of you for different reasons....even with the sniping ;) This was just a good comeback.

Quite frankly, many of your comments seem to originate from an intestinal tract outlet, so I am confused as to why you would object to my pulling a term or two out of my butt when so much of your vitriol comes from a similar location...
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